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XPath can be replaced by Field['fieldname']

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7 fichiers modifiés avec 132 ajouts et 110 suppressions
  1. +14
  2. +7
  3. +18
  4. +1
  5. +1
  6. +83
  7. +8

+ 14
- 14
ElectronJS/src/taskGrid/FlowChart.html Voir le fichier

@ -362,19 +362,19 @@
<div v-if='nowNode["parameters"]["codeMode"] < 3 || nowNode["parameters"]["codeMode"] >= 5'>
<pre class="form-control" style="background: white; margin-top: 20px; min-height: 200px; font-size: 15px!important; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap" disabled v-if='nowNode["parameters"]["codeMode"] == 5'>This option is an advanced feature that allows direct manipulation of the running browser using Python code. You can also customize variables in the entire execution environment and perform operations such as modifying and assigning values. Here are some examples:
1. Use `self.browser` to refer to the current browser being operated. You can directly use Selenium's API to perform operations, such as `self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "//body").send_keys(Keys.CONTROL + "t")` to open a new tab.
<label>Code (Use Field["FieldName"] to input the lastest value of a field): </label>
<textarea onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" class="form-control" rows="2" v-model='nowNode["parameters"]["code"]' placeholder="Please input a JavaScript command or a system command. For example, document.body.innerText = '1' is an example of a JavaScript command, and python D:/ is an example of a system command. If you choose to execute a JavaScript script for the current iteration, you can represent the element of the current iteration using arguments[0]. For instance, arguments[0].style.color = 'blue' sets the color of the element in the current iteration to blue."></textarea>
<pre class="form-control" style="background: white; margin-top: 20px; min-height: 200px; font-size: 15px!important; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap; border-radius: 0; border: 1px solid" disabled v-if='nowNode["parameters"]["codeMode"] == 5'>This option is an advanced feature that allows direct manipulation of the running browser using Python code. You can also customize variables in the entire execution environment and perform operations such as modifying and assigning values. Here are some examples:
1. Use `self.browser` to refer to the current browser being operated. You can directly use Selenium's API to perform operations, such as `self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "body").send_keys(Keys.END)` to scroll to the bottom.
2. Define a global variable: `self.myVar = 1`
3. Manipulate the above-defined global variable: `self.myVar = self.myVar + 1`
4. Print the above-defined global variable: `print(self.myVar)`
If you want to record your custom variable as a field, please select the next option, "Evaluate Python expressions in the execution environment."</pre>
<pre class="form-control" style="background: white; margin-top: 20px; min-height: 200px; font-size: 15px!important; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap" disabled v-if='nowNode["parameters"]["codeMode"] == 6'>This option is an advanced feature that allows directly returning the expression value of Python code. Here are some examples:
1. Return relevant values of the current browser object. Use `self.browser` to refer to the current browser being operated. You can directly use Selenium's API to perform operations, such as `self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "//body").text` to return the text on the current page.
<pre class="form-control" style="background: white; margin-top: 20px; min-height: 200px; font-size: 15px!important; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap; border-radius: 0; border: 1px solid" disabled v-if='nowNode["parameters"]["codeMode"] == 6'>This option is an advanced feature that allows directly returning the expression value of Python code. Here are some examples:
1. Return relevant values of the current browser object. Use `self.browser` to refer to the current browser being operated. You can directly use Selenium's API to perform operations, such as `self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "body").text` to return the text on the current page.
2. Return the value of a custom global variable: `self.myVar`
3. Return the result of a conditional statement: `self.myVar == 1`
Please note that this feature does not support assigning values to variables. In other words, you cannot write something like `self.myVar = 1`. If you want to perform assignment operations, please select the previous option, "Evaluate Python expressions in the execution environment."</pre>
<label>Code (Use Field["FieldName"] to input the lastest value of a field): </label>
<textarea onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" class="form-control" rows="2" v-model='nowNode["parameters"]["code"]' placeholder="Please input a JavaScript command or a system command. For example, document.body.innerText = '1' is an example of a JavaScript command, and python D:/ is an example of a system command. If you choose to execute a JavaScript script for the current iteration, you can represent the element of the current iteration using arguments[0]. For instance, arguments[0].style.color = 'blue' sets the color of the element in the current iteration to blue."></textarea>
<p style="margin-top: 15px">Whether to record the output/return value of the execution as a field: </p>
<p><select v-model='nowNode["parameters"]["recordASField"]' class="form-control">
<option value = 0>No</option>
@ -472,13 +472,13 @@ Please note that this feature does not support assigning values to variables. In
<textarea onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" class="form-control" rows="3" placeholder="One text/URL per line. Each line is A text/URL, and the text is divided by ~, that is, if the value of A line is A~B, the index value can be set to 1 for A, 2 for B, and 0 for A~B in the input text operation." v-model='nowNode["parameters"]["textList"]'></textarea>
<div v-else-if='parseInt(loopType) < 8'>
<pre class="form-control" style="background: white; margin-top: 20px; min-height: 220px; font-size: 15px!important; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap" disabled v-if='parseInt(loopType) == 7'>Loop based on the expression value of Python code. Here are some examples:
1. Return relevant values of the current browser object. Use `self.browser` to refer to the current browser being operated. You can directly use Selenium's API to perform operations, such as `self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "//body").text=="123"`, which checks whether the current page contains the text "123".
<label>Code (Use Field["FieldName"] to input the lastest value of a field):</label>
<textarea onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" class="form-control" rows="3" v-model='nowNode["parameters"]["code"]' placeholder="Continue the loop if the command return value is greater than 0 or evaluates to true; otherwise, stop the loop. For example, return document.body.scrollWidth > 1000 is an example of a JavaScript command return value, and python D:/ is an example of a system command return value."></textarea>
<pre class="form-control" style="background: white; margin-top: 20px; min-height: 220px; font-size: 15px!important; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap; border-radius: 0; border: 1px solid" disabled v-if='parseInt(loopType) == 7'>Loop based on the expression value of Python code. Here are some examples:
1. Return relevant values of the current browser object. Use `self.browser` to refer to the current browser being operated. You can directly use Selenium's API to perform operations, such as `self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "body").text=="123"`, which checks whether the current page contains the text "123".
2. Return the value of a custom global variable: `self.myVar`
3. Return the result of a conditional statement: `self.myVar == 1`
If the expression returns a value greater than 0 or evaluates to True, the loop continues; otherwise, it stops.</pre>
<label>Code (Use Field["FieldName"] to input the lastest value of a field):</label>
<textarea onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" class="form-control" rows="3" v-model='nowNode["parameters"]["code"]' placeholder="Continue the loop if the command return value is greater than 0 or evaluates to true; otherwise, stop the loop. For example, return document.body.scrollWidth > 1000 is an example of a JavaScript command return value, and python D:/ is an example of a system command return value."></textarea>
<label>Maximum wait time for script execution (0 represents unlimited wait time): </label>
<input onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" required class="form-control" type="number" v-model.number='nowNode["parameters"]["waitTime"]'></input>
@ -542,13 +542,13 @@ If the expression returns a value greater than 0 or evaluates to True, the loop
<textarea onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" required placeholder="If the current loop contains elements, input the xpath of the relative element (such as '/div[2]/div[1]/img', if written in relative path, it should be written as '/*//img', which means checking whether there exists an 'img' tag among all the descendant elements of the current loop item.)." class="form-control" rows="3" v-model='nowNode["parameters"]["value"]'></textarea>
<div v-else-if='TClass > 0 && TClass < 7 || TClass == 8'>
<pre class="form-control" style="background: white; margin-top: 20px; min-height: 200px; font-size: 15px!important; word-wrap: break-word!important; white-space: pre-wrap" disabled v-if='TClass == 8'>Use the expression value of Python code to determine whether a condition is satisfied. Here are some examples:
1. Return relevant values of the current browser object. Use `self.browser` to refer to the current browser being operated. You can directly use Selenium's API to perform operations, such as `self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "//body").text=="123"`, which checks whether the current page contains the text "123".
<label>Code/Script Content: </label>
<textarea onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" class="form-control" rows="3" v-model='nowNode["parameters"]["code"]' placeholder="If the return value is greater than 0 or true, the operations within this branch will be executed; otherwise, they will not be executed. For example: return document.body.scrollWidth > 1000 or python D:/, representing examples of JS command and system command return values."></textarea>
<pre class="form-control" style="background: white; margin-top: 20px; min-height: 200px; font-size: 15px!important; word-wrap: break-word!important; white-space: pre-wrap; border-radius: 0; border: 1px solid" disabled v-if='TClass == 8'>Use the expression value of Python code to determine whether a condition is satisfied. Here are some examples:
1. Return relevant values of the current browser object. Use `self.browser` to refer to the current browser being operated. You can directly use Selenium's API to perform operations, such as `self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "body").text=="123"`, which checks whether the current page contains the text "123".
2. Return the value of a custom global variable: `self.myVar`
3. Return the result of a conditional statement: `self.myVar == 1`
If the expression returns a value greater than 0 or evaluates to True, the operations within this branch will be executed; otherwise, they will be skipped.</pre>
<label>Code/Script Content: </label>
<textarea onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" class="form-control" rows="3" v-model='nowNode["parameters"]["code"]' placeholder="If the return value is greater than 0 or true, the operations within this branch will be executed; otherwise, they will not be executed. For example: return document.body.scrollWidth > 1000 or python D:/, representing examples of JS command and system command return values."></textarea>
<label>Maximum wait time for script execution (0 represents unlimited wait time): </label>
<input onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" required class="form-control" type="number" v-model.number='nowNode["parameters"]["waitTime"]'></input>

+ 7
- 7
ElectronJS/src/taskGrid/FlowChart.js Voir le fichier

@ -105,13 +105,13 @@ let app = new Vue({
codeMode: {
handler: function(newVal, oldVal) {
this.nowNode["parameters"]["codeMode"] = newVal;
if(newVal == 3){
this.nowNode["title"] = LANG("退出循环", "Exit Loop");
} else if(newVal == 4){
this.nowNode["title"] = LANG("跳过当前循环", "Skip Loop");
} else {
this.nowNode["title"] = LANG("自定义操作", "Custom Action");
// if(newVal == 3){
// this.nowNode["title"] = LANG("退出循环", "Exit Loop");
// } else if(newVal == 4){
// this.nowNode["title"] = LANG("跳过当前循环", "Skip Loop");
// } else {
// this.nowNode["title"] = LANG("自定义操作", "Custom Action");
// }

+ 18
- 14
ElectronJS/src/taskGrid/FlowChart_CN.html Voir le fichier

@ -362,21 +362,23 @@
<div v-if='nowNode["parameters"]["codeMode"] < 3 || nowNode["parameters"]["codeMode"] >= 5'>
<pre class="form-control" style="background: white; margin-top: 20px; min-height: 200px; font-size: 15px!important; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap" disabled v-if='nowNode["parameters"]["codeMode"] == 5'>此选项为高级功能,可以直接用Python代码操纵正在运行中的浏览器,及可以自定义整个执行环境中的变量,并对变量进行修改赋值等操作,示例:
1. 用self.browser表示当前操作的浏览器,可直接用selenium的API进行操作,如self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "//body").send_keys(Keys.CONTROL + "t")即可打开一个新标签页。
<label>代码/脚本内容(用Field["字段名"]来输入某字段/自定义操作的最新提取/返回值): </label>
<textarea onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" class="form-control" rows="2" v-model='nowNode["parameters"]["code"]' placeholder="输入JS或系统命令,如:document.body.innerText = '1' 或 python D:/,分别为JS命令和系统命令示例。如选择针对当前循环项的JS脚本,则循环项元素用arguments[0]表示,如arguments[0].style.color = 'blue'"></textarea>
<pre class="form-control" style="background: white; margin-top: 20px; min-height: 200px; font-size: 15px!important; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap; border-radius: 0; border: 1px solid" disabled v-if='nowNode["parameters"]["codeMode"] == 5'>请先阅读此说明,再在上方输入框(不是本框)写具体代码。
1. 用self.browser表示当前操作的浏览器,可直接用selenium的API进行操作,如self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "body").send_keys(Keys.END)即可滚动到页面最下方。
2. 自定义一个全局变量:self.myVar = 1
3. 操纵上面定义的全局变量:self.myVar = self.myVar + 1
4. 打印上面定义的全局变量:print(self.myVar)
<pre class="form-control" style="background: white; margin-top: 20px; min-height: 200px; font-size: 15px!important; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap" disabled v-if='nowNode["parameters"]["codeMode"] == 6'>此选项为高级功能,可以直接返回Python代码的表达式值,示例:
1. 返回当前浏览器对象的相关值,用self.browser表示当前操作的浏览器,可直接用selenium的API进行操作,如self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "//body").text即可返回当前页面的文字。
<pre class="form-control" style="background: white; margin-top: 20px; min-height: 200px; font-size: 15px!important; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap; border-radius: 0; border: 1px solid" disabled v-if='nowNode["parameters"]["codeMode"] == 6'>请先阅读此说明,再在上方输入框(不是本框)写具体代码。
1. 返回当前浏览器对象的相关值,用self.browser表示当前操作的浏览器,可直接用selenium的API进行操作,如self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "body").text即可返回当前页面的文字。
2. 返回自定义全局变量的值:self.myVar
3. 返回条件判断的值:self.myVar == 1
注意此功能不能对变量进行赋值操作,即不可以写self.myVar = 1这种,如果想要进行赋值操作,请选择上一个“在执行环境下获得Python表达式值(eval操作)”选项。
<label>代码/脚本内容(用Field["字段名"]来输入某字段/自定义操作的最新提取/返回值): </label>
<textarea onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" class="form-control" rows="2" v-model='nowNode["parameters"]["code"]' placeholder="输入JS或系统命令,如:document.body.innerText = '1' 或 python D:/,分别为JS命令和系统命令示例。如选择针对当前循环项的JS脚本,则循环项元素用arguments[0]表示,如arguments[0].style.color = 'blue'"></textarea>
<p style="margin-top: 15px">是否将执行后的输出/返回值作为字段记录:</p>
<p><select v-model='nowNode["parameters"]["recordASField"]' class="form-control">
<option :value = 0>否(仍可在任意操作中用Field["操作名"]表示此命令返回值)</option>
@ -474,14 +476,15 @@
<textarea onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" class="form-control" rows="3" placeholder="每行一个文本/网址,用~来分割文字,即如果某行值为A~B,则在输入文字操作中可以设定索引值为1表示输入A,2表示输入B,0表示输入A~B" v-model='nowNode["parameters"]["textList"]'></textarea>
<div v-else-if='parseInt(loopType) < 8'>
<pre class="form-control" style="background: white; margin-top: 20px; min-height: 220px; font-size: 15px!important; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap" disabled v-if='parseInt(loopType) == 7'>根据Python代码的表达式值来决定是否循环,示例:
1. 返回当前浏览器对象的相关值,用self.browser表示当前操作的浏览器,可直接用selenium的API进行操作,如self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "//body").text=="123",表示判断当前页面是否为123这个文本。
<label>代码/脚本内容(用Field["字段名"]来输入某字段/自定义操作的最新提取/返回值): </label>
<textarea onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" class="form-control" rows="3" v-model='nowNode["parameters"]["code"]' placeholder="命令返回值大于0或为真则继续循环,否则停止循环。如:return document.body.scrollWidth > 1000 或 python D:/,分别为JS命令和系统命令返回值示例。"></textarea>
<pre class="form-control" style="background: white; margin-top: 20px; min-height: 220px; font-size: 15px!important; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap; border-radius: 0; border: 1px solid" disabled v-if='parseInt(loopType) == 7'>请先阅读此说明,再在上方输入框(不是本框)写具体代码。
1. 返回当前浏览器对象的相关值,用self.browser表示当前操作的浏览器,可直接用selenium的API进行操作,如self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "body").text=="123",表示判断当前页面是否为123这个文本。
2. 返回自定义全局变量的值:self.myVar,如果
3. 返回条件判断的值:self.myVar == 1
<label>代码/脚本内容(用Field["字段名"]来输入某字段/自定义操作的最新提取/返回值): </label>
<textarea onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" class="form-control" rows="3" v-model='nowNode["parameters"]["code"]' placeholder="命令返回值大于0或为真则继续循环,否则停止循环。如:return document.body.scrollWidth > 1000 或 python D:/,分别为JS命令和系统命令返回值示例。"></textarea>
<label>最长等待脚本执行时间(0代表无限等待): </label>
<input onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" required class="form-control" type="number" v-model.number='nowNode["parameters"]["waitTime"]'></input>
@ -545,14 +548,15 @@
<textarea onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" required placeholder="如果是当前循环包含元素,则输入相对元素的xpath(如/div[2]/div[1]/img,如果写相对路径,需要写成/*//img,即检测当前循环项所有的子孙元素是否存在img标签)。" class="form-control" rows="3" v-model='nowNode["parameters"]["value"]'></textarea>
<div v-else-if='TClass > 0 && TClass < 7 || TClass == 8'>
<pre class="form-control" style="background: white; margin-top: 20px; min-height: 200px; font-size: 15px!important; word-wrap: break-word!important; white-space: pre-wrap" disabled v-if='TClass == 8'>根据Python代码的表达式值来判断条件是否满足,示例:
1. 返回当前浏览器对象的相关值,用self.browser表示当前操作的浏览器,可直接用selenium的API进行操作,如self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "//body").text=="123",表示判断当前页面是否为123这个文本。
<label>代码/脚本内容(用Field["字段名"]来输入某字段/自定义操作的最新提取/返回值): </label>
<textarea onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" class="form-control" rows="3" v-model='nowNode["parameters"]["code"]' placeholder="命令返回值大于0或为真则执行此分支内操作,否则不执行。如:return document.body.scrollWidth > 1000 或 python D:/,分别为JS命令和系统命令返回值示例。"></textarea>
<pre class="form-control" style="background: white; margin-top: 20px; min-height: 200px; font-size: 15px!important; word-wrap: break-word!important; white-space: pre-wrap; border-radius: 0; border: 1px solid" disabled v-if='TClass == 8'>请先阅读此说明,再在上方输入框(不是本框)写具体代码。
1. 返回当前浏览器对象的相关值,用self.browser表示当前操作的浏览器,可直接用selenium的API进行操作,如self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "body").text=="123",表示判断当前页面是否为123这个文本。
2. 返回自定义全局变量的值:self.myVar,如果
3. 返回条件判断的值:self.myVar == 1
<label>代码/脚本内容(用Field["字段名"]来输入某字段/自定义操作的最新提取/返回值): </label>
<textarea onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" class="form-control" rows="3" v-model='nowNode["parameters"]["code"]' placeholder="命令返回值大于0或为真则执行此分支内操作,否则不执行。如:return document.body.scrollWidth > 1000 或 python D:/,分别为JS命令和系统命令返回值示例。"></textarea>
<label>最长等待脚本执行时间(0代表无限等待): </label>
<input onkeydown="inputDelete(event)" required class="form-control" type="number" v-model.number='nowNode["parameters"]["waitTime"]'></input>

+ 1
- 0
Fichier diff supprimé car celui-ci est trop grand
Voir le fichier

+ 1
- 1
ExecuteStage/.vscode/launch.json Voir le fichier

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"justMyCode": false,
// "args": ["--id", "[7]", "--read_type", "remote", "--headless", "0"]
// "args": ["--id", "[9]", "--read_type", "remote", "--headless", "0", "--saved_file_name", "YOUTUBE"]
"args": ["--id", "[42]", "--headless", "0", "--user_data", "1"]
"args": ["--id", "[49]", "--headless", "0", "--user_data", "1"]

+ 83
- 74
ExecuteStage/ Voir le fichier

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ from threading import Thread, Event
from myChrome import MyChrome
if sys.platform != "darwin":
from myChrome import MyUCChrome
from utils import download_image, get_output_code, isnull, lowercase_tags_in_xpath, myMySQL, new_line, on_press_creator, on_release_creator, write_to_csv, write_to_excel
from utils import download_image, get_output_code, isnull, lowercase_tags_in_xpath, myMySQL, new_line, on_press_creator, on_release_creator, replace_field_values, write_to_csv, write_to_excel
desired_capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME
desired_capabilities["pageLoadStrategy"] = "none"
@ -356,13 +356,7 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
max_wait_time = 999999
# print(codeMode, code)
# 将value中的Field[""]替换为outputParameters中的键值
pattern = r'Field\["([^"]+)"\]'
replaced_text = re.sub(
pattern, lambda match: self.outputParameters.get(, ''), code)
replaced_text = code
code = replaced_text
code = replace_field_values(code, self.outputParameters)
if iframe and self.browser.iframe_env == False:
# 获取所有的 iframe
@ -442,6 +436,7 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
max_wait_time = int(paras["waitTime"])
if codeMode == 2: # 使用循环的情况下,传入的clickPath就是实际的xpath
loopPath = replace_field_values(loopPath, self.outputParameters)
elements = self.browser.find_elements(
By.XPATH, loopPath, iframe=paras["iframe"])
element = elements[index]
@ -454,7 +449,7 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
self.BREAK = True
elif codeMode == 4:
self.CONTINUE = True
else: # 0 1
else: # 0 1 5 6
output = self.execute_code(
codeMode, code, max_wait_time, iframe=paras["iframe"])
recordASField = bool(paras["recordASField"])
@ -470,8 +465,9 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
optionMode = int(para["optionMode"])
optionValue = para["optionValue"]
xpath = replace_field_values(para["xpath"], self.outputParameters)
dropdown = Select(self.browser.find_element(
By.XPATH, para["xpath"], iframe=para["iframe"]))
By.XPATH, xpath, iframe=para["iframe"]))
if optionMode == 0:
# 获取当前选中的选项索引
@ -488,13 +484,13 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
elif optionMode == 3:
print("切换下拉框选项失败:", para["xpath"],
print("切换下拉框选项失败:", xpath,
para["optionMode"], para["optionValue"])
print("Failed to change drop-down box option:",
para["xpath"], para["optionMode"], para["optionValue"])
xpath, para["optionMode"], para["optionValue"])
print("找不到下拉框元素:", para["xpath"])
print("Cannot find drop-down box element:", para["xpath"])
print("找不到下拉框元素:", xpath)
print("Cannot find drop-down box element:", xpath)
def moveToElement(self, para, loopElement=None, loopPath="", index=0):
time.sleep(0.1) # 移动之前等待0.1秒
@ -506,6 +502,7 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
path = para["xpath"] # 不然使用元素定义的xpath
# element = self.browser.find_element(
# By.XPATH, path, iframe=para["iframe"])
path = replace_field_values(path, self.outputParameters)
elements = self.browser.find_elements(
By.XPATH, path, iframe=para["iframe"])
@ -589,28 +586,33 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
bodyText = self.browser.find_element(
By.CSS_SELECTOR, "body", iframe=cnode["parameters"]["iframe"]).text
if bodyText.find(cnode["parameters"]["value"]) >= 0:
value = replace_field_values(
cnode["parameters"]["value"], self.outputParameters)
if bodyText.find(value) >= 0:
executeBranchId = i
except: # 找不到元素下一个条件
elif tType == 2: # 当前页面包含元素
if self.browser.find_element(By.XPATH, cnode["parameters"]["value"], iframe=cnode["parameters"]["iframe"]):
xpath = replace_field_values(cnode["parameters"]["value"], self.outputParameters)
if self.browser.find_element(By.XPATH, xpath, iframe=cnode["parameters"]["iframe"]):
executeBranchId = i
except: # 找不到元素或者xpath写错了,下一个条件
elif tType == 3: # 当前循环元素包括文本
if loopElement.text.find(cnode["parameters"]["value"]) >= 0:
value = replace_field_values(cnode["parameters"]["value"], self.outputParameters)
if loopElement.text.find(value) >= 0:
executeBranchId = i
except: # 找不到元素或者xpath写错了,下一个条件
elif tType == 4: # 当前循环元素包括元素
if loopElement.find_element(By.XPATH, cnode["parameters"]["value"][1:]):
xpath = replace_field_values(cnode["parameters"]["value"][1:], self.outputParameters)
if loopElement.find_element(By.XPATH, xpath):
executeBranchId = i
except: # 找不到元素或者xpath写错了,下一个条件
@ -672,11 +674,13 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
print("Page changed detected, continue loop.")
bodyText = newBodyText
xpath = replace_field_values(
node["parameters"]["xpath"], self.outputParameters)
element = self.browser.find_element(
By.XPATH, node["parameters"]["xpath"], iframe=node["parameters"]["iframe"])
By.XPATH, xpath, iframe=node["parameters"]["iframe"])
for i in node["sequence"]: # 挨个执行操作
i, element, node["parameters"]["xpath"], 0)
i, element, xpath, 0)
if self.BREAK or self.CONTINUE: # 如果有break操作,下面的操作不执行
self.CONTINUE = False
@ -690,14 +694,14 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
except NoSuchElementException:
# except:
print("Single loop element not found: ",
print("找不到要循环的单个元素: ", node["parameters"]["xpath"])
print("找不到要循环的单个元素: ", xpath)
"Single loop element not found: " + node["parameters"]["xpath"])
for i in node["sequence"]: # 不带点击元素的把剩余的如提取数据的操作执行一遍
if node["option"] != 2:
i, None, node["parameters"]["xpath"], 0)
i, None, xpath, 0)
finished = True
break # 如果找不到元素,退出循环
@ -710,7 +714,7 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
for i in node["sequence"]: # 不带点击元素的把剩余的如提取数据的操作执行一遍
if node["option"] != 2:
i, None, node["parameters"]["xpath"], 0)
i, None, xpath, 0)
break # 如果找不到元素,退出循环
count = count + 1
self.Log("Page: ", count)
@ -726,18 +730,20 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
elif int(node["parameters"]["loopType"]) == 1: # 不固定元素列表
xpath = replace_field_values(
node["parameters"]["xpath"], self.outputParameters)
elements = self.browser.find_elements(By.XPATH,
node["parameters"]["xpath"], iframe=node["parameters"]["iframe"])
xpath, iframe=node["parameters"]["iframe"])
if len(elements) == 0:
print("Loop element not found: ",
print("找不到循环元素: ", node["parameters"]["xpath"])
print("找不到循环元素: ", xpath)
self.recordLog("pathNotFound: " +
for index in range(len(elements)):
for i in node["sequence"]: # 挨个顺序执行循环里所有的操作
self.executeNode(i, elements[index],
node["parameters"]["xpath"], index)
xpath, index)
if self.BREAK or self.CONTINUE: # 如果有break操作,下面的操作不执行
self.CONTINUE = False
@ -785,8 +791,8 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
if code <= 0:
except NoSuchElementException:
print("Loop element not found: ", node["parameters"]["xpath"])
print("找不到循环元素: ", node["parameters"]["xpath"])
print("Loop element not found: ", xpath)
print("找不到循环元素: ", xpath)
self.recordLog("pathNotFound: " + node["parameters"]["xpath"])
except Exception as e:
@ -794,6 +800,7 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
# 千万不要忘了分割!!
for path in node["parameters"]["pathList"].split("\n"):
path = replace_field_values(path, self.outputParameters)
element = self.browser.find_element(
By.XPATH, path, iframe=node["parameters"]["iframe"])
for i in node["sequence"]: # 挨个执行操作
@ -853,6 +860,7 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
elif int(node["parameters"]["loopType"]) == 3: # 固定文本列表
textList = node["parameters"]["textList"].split("\n")
for text in textList:
text = replace_field_values(text, self.outputParameters)
self.recordLog("input: " + text)
for i in node["sequence"]: # 挨个执行操作
self.executeNode(i, text, "", 0)
@ -877,6 +885,7 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
# if url != "":
# urlList.append(url)
for url in urlList:
url = replace_field_values(url, self.outputParameters)
self.recordLog("input: " + url)
for i in node["sequence"]:
self.executeNode(i, url, "", 0)
@ -941,13 +950,7 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
url = list(filter(isnull, para["links"].split("\n")))[0]
# 将value中的Field[""]替换为outputParameters中的键值
pattern = r'Field\["([^"]+)"\]'
replaced_text = re.sub(
pattern, lambda match: self.outputParameters.get(, ''), url)
replaced_text = url
url = replaced_text
url = replace_field_values(url, self.outputParameters)
maxWaitTime = int(para["maxWaitTime"])
@ -994,8 +997,9 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
time.sleep(0.1) # 输入之前等待0.1秒
self.Log("Wait 0.1 second before input")
xpath = replace_field_values(para["xpath"], self.outputParameters)
textbox = self.browser.find_element(
By.XPATH, para["xpath"], iframe=para["iframe"])
By.XPATH, xpath, iframe=para["iframe"])
# textbox.send_keys(Keys.CONTROL, 'a')
# textbox.send_keys(Keys.BACKSPACE)
@ -1034,13 +1038,12 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
2, para["afterJS"], para["afterJSWaitTime"], textbox, iframe=para["iframe"]) # 执行后置js
print("Cannot find input box element:" +
para["xpath"] + ", please try to set the wait time before executing this operation")
print("找不到输入框元素:" + para["xpath"] + ",请尝试在执行此操作前设置等待时间")
xpath + ", please try to set the wait time before executing this operation")
print("找不到输入框元素:" + xpath + ",请尝试在执行此操作前设置等待时间")
self.recordLog("Cannot find input box element:" +
para["xpath"] + "Please try to set the wait time before executing this operation")
# 点击元素事件
def clickElement(self, para, loopElement=None, clickPath="", index=0):
maxWaitTime = int(para["maxWaitTime"])
@ -1060,6 +1063,7 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
path = para["xpath"] # 不然使用元素定义的xpath
# element = self.browser.find_element(
# By.XPATH, path, iframe=para["iframe"])
path = replace_field_values(path, self.outputParameters)
elements = self.browser.find_elements(
By.XPATH, path, iframe=para["iframe"])
element = elements[index]
@ -1293,6 +1297,7 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
# 提取数据事件
def getData(self, para, loopElement, isInLoop=True, parentPath="", index=0):
parentPath = replace_field_values(parentPath, self.outputParameters)
if para["clear"] == 1:
@ -1317,15 +1322,17 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
for p in para["paras"]:
if p["optimizable"]:
relativeXPath = replace_field_values(
p["relativeXPath"], self.outputParameters)
# 只有当前环境不变变化才可以快速提取数据
if self.browser.iframe_env != p["iframe"]:
p["optimizable"] = False
# p["relativeXPath"] = p["relativeXPath"].lower()
# p["relativeXPath"] = lowercase_tags_in_xpath(p["relativeXPath"])
# relativeXPath = relativeXPath.lower()
# relativeXPath = lowercase_tags_in_xpath(relativeXPath)
# 已经有text()或@href了,不需要再加
content_type = ""
if p["relativeXPath"].find("/@href") >= 0 or p["relativeXPath"].find("/text()") >= 0 or p["relativeXPath"].find("::text()") >= 0:
if relativeXPath.find("/@href") >= 0 or relativeXPath.find("/text()") >= 0 or relativeXPath.find("::text()") >= 0:
content_type = ""
elif p["nodeType"] == 2:
content_type = "/@href"
@ -1333,24 +1340,24 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
content_type = "/text()"
elif p["contentType"] == 0:
content_type = "//text()"
xpath = p["relativeXPath"] + content_type
xpath = relativeXPath + content_type
if p["relative"]:
# if p["relativeXPath"] == "":
# if relativeXPath == "":
# content = [loopElementHTML]
# else:
# 如果字串里有//即子孙查找,则不动语句
if p["relativeXPath"].find("//") >= 0:
if relativeXPath.find("//") >= 0:
if xpath.startswith("/"):
full_path = "(" + parentPath + ")" + \
"[" + str(index + 1) + "]"+ \
p["relativeXPath"] + content_type
relativeXPath + content_type
else: # 如果是id()这种形式,不需要包parentPath
full_path = xpath
content = pageHTML.xpath(full_path)
content = []
elif not p["relativeXPath"].startswith("/"): # 如果是id()这种形式,不需要包/html/body
elif not relativeXPath.startswith("/"): # 如果是id()这种形式,不需要包/html/body
content = loopElementHTML.xpath(xpath)
@ -1374,51 +1381,53 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
content = p["default"]
if not self.dataNotFoundKeys[p["name"]]:
print('Element %s not found with parameter name %s when extracting data, use default, this error will only show once' % (
p["relativeXPath"], p["name"]))
relativeXPath, p["name"]))
print("提取数据操作时,字段名 %s 对应XPath %s 未找到,使用默认值,本字段将不再重复报错" % (
p["name"], p["relativeXPath"]))
p["name"], relativeXPath))
self.dataNotFoundKeys[p["name"]] = True
'Element %s not found, use default' % p["relativeXPath"])
'Element %s not found, use default' % relativeXPath)
except Exception as e:
if not self.dataNotFoundKeys[p["name"]]:
print('Element %s not found with parameter name %s when extracting data, use default, this error will only show once' % (
p["relativeXPath"], p["name"]))
relativeXPath, p["name"]))
print("提取数据操作时,字段名 %s 对应XPath %s 未找到(请查看原因,如是否翻页太快页面元素未加载出来),使用默认值,本字段将不再重复报错" % (
p["name"], p["relativeXPath"]))
p["name"], relativeXPath))
self.dataNotFoundKeys[p["name"]] = True
'Element %s not found, use default' % p["relativeXPath"])
'Element %s not found, use default' % relativeXPath)
self.outputParameters[p["name"]] = content
# 对于不能优化的操作,使用selenium执行
for p in para["paras"]:
if not p["optimizable"]:
content = ""
relativeXPath = replace_field_values(
p["relativeXPath"], self.outputParameters)
if not (p["contentType"] == 5 or p["contentType"] == 6): # 如果不是页面标题或URL,去找元素
# p["relativeXPath"] = p["relativeXPath"].lower()
# p["relativeXPath"] = lowercase_tags_in_xpath(p["relativeXPath"])
# relativeXPath = relativeXPath.lower()
# relativeXPath = lowercase_tags_in_xpath(relativeXPath)
if p["relative"]: # 是否相对xpath
if p["relativeXPath"] == "": # 相对xpath有时候就是元素本身,不需要二次查找
if relativeXPath == "": # 相对xpath有时候就是元素本身,不需要二次查找
element = loopElement
# 如果字串里有//即子孙查找,则不动语句
if p["relativeXPath"].find("//") >= 0:
if relativeXPath.find("//") >= 0:
# full_path = "(" + parentPath + \
# p["relativeXPath"] + ")" + \
# relativeXPath + ")" + \
# "[" + str(index + 1) + "]"
full_path = "(" + parentPath + ")" + \
"[" + str(index + 1) + "]" + \
element = self.browser.find_element(
By.XPATH, full_path, iframe=p["iframe"])
element = loopElement.find_element(By.XPATH,
element = self.browser.find_element(
By.XPATH, p["relativeXPath"], iframe=p["iframe"])
By.XPATH, relativeXPath, iframe=p["iframe"])
except (NoSuchElementException, InvalidSelectorException, StaleElementReferenceException): # 找不到元素的时候,使用默认值
# print(p)
@ -1429,12 +1438,12 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
if not self.dataNotFoundKeys[p["name"]]:
print('Element %s not found with parameter name %s when extracting data, use default, this error will only show once' % (
p["relativeXPath"], p["name"]))
relativeXPath, p["name"]))
print("提取数据操作时,字段名 %s 对应XPath %s 未找到,使用默认值,本字段将不再重复报错" % (
p["name"], p["relativeXPath"]))
p["name"], relativeXPath))
self.dataNotFoundKeys[p["name"]] = True
'Element %s not found, use default' % p["relativeXPath"])
'Element %s not found, use default' % relativeXPath)
@ -1447,14 +1456,14 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
if p["relative"]: # 是否相对xpath
if p["relativeXPath"] == "": # 相对xpath有时候就是元素本身,不需要二次查找
if relativeXPath == "": # 相对xpath有时候就是元素本身,不需要二次查找
element = loopElement
element = loopElement.find_element(By.XPATH,
element = self.browser.find_element(
By.XPATH, p["relativeXPath"], iframe=p["iframe"])
By.XPATH, relativeXPath, iframe=p["iframe"])
# rt.end()
element = self.browser.find_element(
@ -1465,28 +1474,28 @@ class BrowserThread(Thread):
content = self.get_content(p, element)
except StaleElementReferenceException: # 发生找不到元素的异常后,等待几秒重新查找
'StaleElementReferenceException: '+p["relativeXPath"])
'StaleElementReferenceException: '+relativeXPath)
if p["relative"]: # 是否相对xpath
if p["relativeXPath"] == "": # 相对xpath有时候就是元素本身,不需要二次查找
if relativeXPath == "": # 相对xpath有时候就是元素本身,不需要二次查找
element = loopElement
'StaleElementReferenceException: loopElement')
element = loopElement.find_element(By.XPATH,
'StaleElementReferenceException: loopElement+relativeXPath')
element = self.browser.find_element(
By.XPATH, p["relativeXPath"], iframe=p["iframe"])
By.XPATH, relativeXPath, iframe=p["iframe"])
'StaleElementReferenceException: relativeXPath')
content = self.get_content(p, element)
except StaleElementReferenceException:
'StaleElementReferenceException: '+p["relativeXPath"])
'StaleElementReferenceException: '+relativeXPath)
continue # 再出现类似问题直接跳过
self.outputParameters[p["name"]] = content

+ 8
- 0
ExecuteStage/ Voir le fichier

@ -166,6 +166,14 @@ def write_to_csv(file_name, data, record):
def replace_field_values(orginal_text, outputParameters):
pattern = r'Field\["([^"]+)"\]'
replaced_text = re.sub(
pattern, lambda match: outputParameters.get(, ''), orginal_text)
replaced_text = orginal_text
return replaced_text
def write_to_excel(file_name, data, types, record):
first = False
