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  1. # Summary of release changes, see commit history for more details:
  2. #
  3. * Release v20:
  4. - Python versions supported is now v2.7+ and v3.2+ due to rewrite using argparse.
  5. - Man page and --help has been overhauled to provide better documentation and usage scenarios.
  6. - Installation scripts now act dependent on current environmental settings.
  7. If run as root, will do a global install. Installation script also detects which version to install (bash or zsh) dependent on $SHELL. Both of these behaviors can be overrode using --local/--global or --bash/--zsh arguments.
  8. - Uninstallation script added, will remove both global and local installations but ignores database.
  9. - Symlinks can be preserved as database entries, refer to man page for more details.
  10. - This change log added to better help package maintainers keep track of changes between releases.
  11. - Miscellaneous bug fixes.
  12. * Release v19:
  13. - prototype `cp` and `mv` directory tab completion
  14. - Debian post-installation instructions
  15. - minor Mac OS X fixes
  16. * Release v18:
  17. - add automated version numbering
  18. - performance tweaks to reduce filesystem checks
  19. - add local installation option
  20. - unicode fixes
  21. - ugly fixes for Python 3
  22. - migrate to new database format