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  1. export AUTOJUMP_SOURCED=1
  2. # set user installation paths
  3. if [[ -d ~/.autojump/ ]]; then
  4. export PATH=~/.autojump/bin:"${PATH}"
  5. fi
  6. # set error file location
  7. if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then
  8. export AUTOJUMP_ERROR_PATH=~/Library/autojump/errors.log
  9. elif [[ -n "${XDG_DATA_HOME}" ]]; then
  10. export AUTOJUMP_ERROR_PATH="${XDG_DATA_HOME}/autojump/errors.log"
  11. else
  12. export AUTOJUMP_ERROR_PATH=~/.local/share/autojump/errors.log
  13. fi
  14. if [[ ! -d "$(dirname ${AUTOJUMP_ERROR_PATH})" ]]; then
  15. mkdir -p "$(dirname ${AUTOJUMP_ERROR_PATH})"
  16. fi
  17. # enable tab completion
  18. _autojump() {
  19. local cur
  20. cur=${COMP_WORDS[*]:1}
  21. comps=$(autojump --complete $cur)
  22. while read i; do
  23. COMPREPLY=("${COMPREPLY[@]}" "${i}")
  24. done <<EOF
  25. $comps
  26. EOF
  27. }
  28. complete -F _autojump j
  29. # change pwd hook
  30. autojump_add_to_database() {
  31. if [[ -f "${AUTOJUMP_ERROR_PATH}" ]]; then
  32. (autojump --add "$(pwd)" >/dev/null 2>>${AUTOJUMP_ERROR_PATH} &) &>/dev/null
  33. else
  34. (autojump --add "$(pwd)" >/dev/null &) &>/dev/null
  35. fi
  36. }
  37. case $PROMPT_COMMAND in
  38. *autojump*)
  39. ;;
  40. *)
  41. PROMPT_COMMAND="${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$(echo "${PROMPT_COMMAND}" | awk '{gsub(/; *$/,"")}1') ; }autojump_add_to_database"
  42. ;;
  43. esac
  44. # default autojump command
  45. j() {
  46. if [[ ${1} == -* ]] && [[ ${1} != "--" ]]; then
  47. autojump ${@}
  48. return
  49. fi
  50. output="$(autojump ${@})"
  51. if [[ -d "${output}" ]]; then
  52. if [ -t 1 ]; then # if stdout is a terminal, use colors
  53. echo -e "\\033[31m${output}\\033[0m"
  54. else
  55. echo -e "${output}"
  56. fi
  57. cd "${output}"
  58. else
  59. echo "autojump: directory '${@}' not found"
  60. echo "\n${output}\n"
  61. echo "Try \`autojump --help\` for more information."
  62. false
  63. fi
  64. }
  65. # jump to child directory (subdirectory of current path)
  66. jc() {
  67. if [[ ${1} == -* ]] && [[ ${1} != "--" ]]; then
  68. autojump ${@}
  69. return
  70. else
  71. j $(pwd) ${@}
  72. fi
  73. }
  74. # open autojump results in file browser
  75. jo() {
  76. if [[ ${1} == -* ]] && [[ ${1} != "--" ]]; then
  77. autojump ${@}
  78. return
  79. fi
  80. output="$(autojump ${@})"
  81. if [[ -d "${output}" ]]; then
  82. case ${OSTYPE} in
  83. linux*)
  84. xdg-open "${output}"
  85. ;;
  86. darwin*)
  87. open "${output}"
  88. ;;
  89. cygwin)
  90. cygstart "" $(cygpath -w -a ${output})
  91. ;;
  92. *)
  93. echo "Unknown operating system: ${OSTYPE}." 1>&2
  94. ;;
  95. esac
  96. else
  97. echo "autojump: directory '${@}' not found"
  98. echo "\n${output}\n"
  99. echo "Try \`autojump --help\` for more information."
  100. false
  101. fi
  102. }
  103. # open autojump results (child directory) in file browser
  104. jco() {
  105. if [[ ${1} == -* ]] && [[ ${1} != "--" ]]; then
  106. autojump ${@}
  107. return
  108. else
  109. jo $(pwd) ${@}
  110. fi
  111. }