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pirms 12 gadiem
pirms 12 gadiem
pirms 12 gadiem
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pirms 12 gadiem
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pirms 12 gadiem
pirms 12 gadiem
  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  2. function help_msg {
  3. echo "./ [OPTION..]"
  4. echo
  5. echo " -a, --auto Try to determine destdir, prefix (and zshshare if applicable)"
  6. echo " -g, --global Use default global settings (destdir=/; prefix=usr)"
  7. echo " -l, --local Use default local settings (destdir=~/.autojump)"
  8. echo
  9. echo " -d, --destdir PATH Set install destination to PATH"
  10. echo " -p, --prefix PATH Use PATH as prefix"
  11. echo " -Z, --zshshare PATH Use PATH as zsh share destination"
  12. echo
  13. echo " -f, --force Ignore Python version check"
  14. echo " -n, --dry_run Only show installation paths, don't install anything"
  15. echo
  16. echo "Will install autojump into:"
  17. echo
  18. echo ' Binaries: $destdir$prefix/bin'
  19. echo ' Documentation: $destdir$prefix/share/man/man1'
  20. echo ' Icon: $destdir$prefix/share/autojump'
  21. echo ' Shell scripts: $destdir/etc/profile.d'
  22. echo ' zsh functions: $destdir$zshsharedir'
  23. echo
  24. echo 'Unless specified, $zshshare will be :'
  25. echo ' - $destdir$prefix/functions for local installations'
  26. echo ' - $destdir$prefix/share/zsh/site-functions for all other installations'
  27. }
  28. dry_run=
  29. local=
  30. global=
  31. force=
  32. shell=`echo ${SHELL} | awk -F/ '{ print $NF }'`
  33. destdir=
  34. prefix="usr/local"
  35. zshsharedir=
  36. # If no arguments passed, default to --auto.
  37. if [[ ${#} == 0 ]]; then
  38. set -- "--auto"
  39. fi
  40. # Only dry-run should also default to --auto
  41. if [[ ${#} == 1 ]] && ([[ $1 = "-n" ]] || [[ $1 = "--dry-run" ]]); then
  42. set -- "-n" "--auto"
  43. fi
  44. # Command line parsing
  45. while true; do
  46. case "$1" in
  47. -a|--auto)
  48. if [[ ${UID} -eq 0 ]]; then
  49. set -- "--global" "${@:2}"
  50. else
  51. set -- "--local" "${@:2}"
  52. fi
  53. ;;
  54. -d|--destdir)
  55. if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
  56. destdir=$2; shift 2
  57. else
  58. echo "--destdir or -d requires an argument" 1>&2
  59. fi
  60. ;;
  61. -f|--force)
  62. force=true
  63. shift
  64. if [[ ${#} == 0 ]]; then
  65. set -- "--auto"
  66. fi
  67. ;;
  68. -g|--global)
  69. global=true
  70. destdir=
  71. prefix=usr
  72. shift
  73. ;;
  74. -h|--help|-\?)
  75. help_msg;
  76. exit 0
  77. ;;
  78. -l|--local)
  79. local=true
  80. destdir=~/.autojump
  81. prefix=
  82. shift
  83. ;;
  84. -n|--dry_run)
  85. dry_run=true
  86. shift
  87. ;;
  88. -p|--prefix)
  89. if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
  90. prefix=$2; shift 2
  91. else
  92. echo "--prefix or -p requires an argument" 1>&2
  93. exit 1
  94. fi
  95. ;;
  96. -Z|--zshshare)
  97. if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
  98. zshsharedir=$2; shift 2
  99. else
  100. echo "--zshshare or -Z requires an argument" 1>&2
  101. exit 1
  102. fi
  103. ;;
  104. --)
  105. shift
  106. break
  107. ;;
  108. -*)
  109. echo "invalid option: $1" 1>&2;
  110. help_msg;
  111. exit 1
  112. ;;
  113. *)
  114. break
  115. ;;
  116. esac
  117. done
  118. # destdir must be a full path, and end with a slash
  119. if [[ -n ${destdir} ]]; then
  120. if [[ ${destdir:0:1} != "/" ]]; then
  121. echo "Error: destdir must be a full path" 1>&2
  122. exit 1
  123. fi
  124. len=${#destdir}
  125. if [[ ${destdir:len - 1} != "/" ]]; then
  126. destdir="$destdir/"
  127. fi
  128. else
  129. destdir="/"
  130. fi
  131. # prefix should not start with, and end with, a slash
  132. if [[ -n ${prefix} ]]; then
  133. if [[ ${prefix:0:1} == "/" ]]; then
  134. prefix=${prefix:1}
  135. fi
  136. len=${#prefix}
  137. if [[ ${prefix:len - 1} != "/" ]]; then
  138. prefix="$prefix/"
  139. fi
  140. fi
  141. # check shell support
  142. if [[ ${shell} != "bash" ]] && [[ ${shell} != "zsh" ]]; then
  143. echo "Unsupported shell (${shell}). Only Bash and Zsh shells are supported."
  144. exit 1
  145. fi
  146. # zsh functions
  147. if [[ $shell == "zsh" ]]; then
  148. if [[ -z $zshsharedir ]]; then
  149. # if not set, use a default
  150. if [[ $local ]]; then
  151. zshsharedir="${prefix}functions"
  152. else
  153. zshsharedir="${prefix}share/zsh/site-functions"
  154. fi
  155. fi
  156. fi
  157. # check Python version
  158. if [ ! ${force} ]; then
  159. python_version=`python -c 'import sys; print(sys.version_info[:])'`
  160. if [[ ${python_version:1:1} -eq 2 && ${python_version:4:1} -lt 6 ]]; then
  161. echo
  162. echo "Incompatible Python version, please upgrade to v2.6+."
  163. if [[ ${python_version:4:1} -ge 4 ]]; then
  164. echo
  165. echo "Alternatively, you can download v12 that supports Python v2.4+ from:"
  166. echo
  167. echo -e "\t"
  168. echo
  169. fi
  170. exit 1
  171. fi
  172. fi
  173. echo
  174. echo "Installating autojump..."
  175. echo
  176. echo "Destination: $destdir"
  177. if [[ -n $prefix ]]; then
  178. echo "Prefix: /$prefix"
  179. fi
  180. echo
  181. echo "Binary: ${destdir}${prefix}bin/"
  182. echo "Documentation: ${destdir}${prefix}share/man/man1/"
  183. echo "Icon: ${destdir}${prefix}share/autojump/"
  184. echo "Shell scripts: ${destdir}etc/profile.d/"
  185. if [[ -z $shell ]] || [[ $shell == "zsh" ]]; then
  186. echo "zsh functions: ${destdir}${zshsharedir}"
  187. fi
  188. echo
  189. if [[ $dry_run ]]; then
  190. echo "--dry_run (-n) used, stopping"
  191. exit
  192. fi
  194. mkdir -p ${destdir}${prefix}share/autojump/ || exit 1
  195. mkdir -p ${destdir}${prefix}bin/ || exit 1
  196. mkdir -p ${destdir}${prefix}share/man/man1/ || exit 1
  197. cp -v ./bin/icon.png ${destdir}${prefix}share/autojump/ || exit 1
  198. cp -v ./bin/autojump ${destdir}${prefix}bin/ || exit 1
  199. cp -v ./bin/ ${destdir}${prefix}bin/ || exit 1
  200. cp -v ./docs/autojump.1 ${destdir}${prefix}share/man/man1/ || exit 1
  201. mkdir -p ${destdir}etc/profile.d/ || exit 1
  202. cp -v ./bin/ ${destdir}etc/profile.d/ || exit 1
  203. cp -v ./bin/autojump.bash ${destdir}etc/profile.d/ || exit 1
  204. cp -v ./bin/autojump.zsh ${destdir}etc/profile.d/ || exit 1
  205. mkdir -p ${destdir}${zshsharedir} || exit 1
  206. # TODO: remove unused _j function (2013.02.01_1348, ting)
  207. install -v -m 0755 ./bin/_j ${destdir}${zshsharedir} || exit 1
  209. if [[ -z ${local} ]] && [[ -z ${global} ]]; then
  210. sed -i "s:custom_install:${destdir}etc/profile.d:g" ${destdir}etc/profile.d/
  211. fi
  213. rc_file="~/.${shell}rc"
  214. if [[ `uname` == "Darwin" ]] && [[ ${shell} == "bash" ]]; then
  215. rc_file="~/.bash_profile"
  216. fi
  217. aj_shell_file="${destdir}etc/profile.d/"
  218. if [[ ${local} ]]; then
  219. aj_shell_file="~/.autojump/etc/profile.d/"
  220. fi
  221. echo
  222. echo "Please add the line to ${rc_file} :"
  223. echo
  224. echo -e "[[ -s ${aj_shell_file} ]] && . ${aj_shell_file}"
  225. echo
  226. echo "You need to run 'source ${rc_file}' before you can start using autojump. To remove autojump, run './'"
  227. echo