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  1. # Summary of release changes, see commit history for more details:
  2. # https://github.com/joelthelion/autojump/commits/master/
  3. * Release v21.3.0:
  4. - `jumpapplet` removed.
  5. - performance improvements when using network mounts (e.g. sshfs)
  6. * Release v21.2.0:
  7. - Add `jc` command (jump child). Jumps to a subdirectory of the current
  8. working directory.
  9. * Release v21.1.0:
  10. - install.sh is rewritten to add support for --path and --destdir options,
  11. making it easier for package maintainers to install autojump specifically into
  12. certain locations. Thanks to jjk-jacky for his contributions.
  13. * Release v21.0.0:
  14. - New mailing list for developer discussion and announcements:
  15. https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups%5C#!forum/autojump
  16. - Switch to semantic versioning (http://semver.org/): major.minor.micro
  17. major = breaks backwards compatibility
  18. minor = new features with backwards compatibility
  19. micro = bug fixes with backwards compatibility
  20. - Migration code for v17 or older users has been removed.
  21. During testing, it was apparent that the migration code wasn't working to
  22. begin with. The major distros (Debian, RedHat) have already moved to v18+ for
  23. LTS. Rolling release distros and Homebrew / Macports are regularly kept up to
  24. date.
  25. Users upgrading from v17 or older will start with a new database.
  26. - Approximate matching introduced.
  27. Matching priority is now:
  28. 1. exact match
  29. 2. case insensitive match
  30. 3. approximate match
  31. - The `j` function now accepts autojump arguments (e.g. --help, --stat).
  32. As a result, the `jumpstat` alias is now removed. The preferred method is `j
  33. --stat` or `j -s`. Consequently, autojump cannot jump to directories
  34. beginning with a hyphen '-'.
  35. - Always use case insensitive search with AUTOJUMP_IGNORE_CASE=1
  36. As mentioned earlier, normal priority is to prefer exact match and then check
  37. for case insensitive match. For users who prefer case insensitivity can now
  38. modify the program behavior.
  39. - Prevent database decay with AUTOJUMP_KEEP_ALL_ENTRIES=1
  40. The database is regularly trimmed for performance reasons. However users can
  41. prevent database maintenance with the above environmental variable.
  42. - ZSH tab completion fixed.
  43. ZSH behavior now matches Bash behavior. However it requires the `compinit`
  44. module to be loaded. Add the following line to ~/.zshrc:
  45. autoload -U compinit; compinit
  46. To use type:
  47. j<space><tab><tab>
  48. A menu showing the top database entries will be displayed. Type in any number
  49. followed by <tab> to complete the entry.
  50. - Database entry weight growth changed form linear to logarithmic scale.
  51. A combination of low total weight ceiling and linear growth resulted in
  52. a few, commonly used directories to be responsible for 50%+ of the total
  53. database weight. This caused unnecessary trimming of long tail entries.
  54. Switching to logarithmic growth combined with regular decay meant that
  55. commonly used directories still climbed database ranking appropriately with a
  56. more even weight distribution.
  57. - Vendorize argparse so now Python v2.6+ is supported (from v2.7).
  58. - Unit testing suite added.
  59. - Miscellaneous refactoring, bug fixes, documentation updates.
  60. * Release v20.0.0:
  61. - Python versions supported is now v2.7+ and v3.2+ due to rewrite using
  62. argparse.
  63. - Man page and --help has been overhauled to provide better documentation and
  64. usage scenarios.
  65. - Installation scripts now act dependent on current environmental settings.
  66. If run as root, will do a global install. Installation script also detects
  67. which version to install (bash or zsh) dependent on $SHELL. Both of these
  68. behaviors can be overrode using --local/--global or --bash/--zsh arguments.
  69. - Uninstallation script added, will remove both global and local installations
  70. but ignores database.
  71. - Allow symlink database entries with AUTOJUMP_KEEP_SYMLINKS=1
  72. Normally symlinks are resolved to full path to prevent duplicate database
  73. entries. However users who prefer symlink paths can modify behavior with the
  74. above environmental variable.
  75. - This ChangeLog added to better help package maintainers keep track of
  76. changes
  77. between releases.
  78. - Miscellaneous bug fixes.
  79. * Release v19.0.0:
  80. - prototype `cp` and `mv` directory tab completion
  81. - Debian post-installation instructions
  82. - minor Mac OS X fixes
  83. * Release v18.0.0:
  84. - add automated version numbering
  85. - performance tweaks to reduce filesystem checks
  86. - add local installation option
  87. - unicode fixes
  88. - ugly fixes for Python 3
  89. - migrate to new database format