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  1. ## Version History
  2. #### 20150719
  3. * Add support for `conda` environments created by Anaconda/Miniconda (#91)
  4. * Look up commands for original version as well if the environment is created with `--system-site-packages` (#62)
  5. * Add error message if the source version is not installed (#83)
  6. #### 20150526
  7. * Use `typeset -g` with `precmd_functions` (#75)
  8. * activate: display setup instructions only with `PYENV_VIRTUALENV_INIT=0` (#78)
  9. * Ignore failure of pyenv activate (#68)
  10. #### 20150119
  11. * Ignore errors from `pyenv-version-name` since it might fail if there is configuration error (yyuu/pyenv#291)
  12. * The _shell_ version set in `activate` should be unset in `deactivate` (#61)
  13. * Anaconda has `activate` script nevertheless it is not a virtual environment (#65)
  14. #### 20141106
  15. * Stop creating after `ensurepip` since it has done by `ensurepip` itself
  16. * Suppress some useless warnings from `pyenv virtualenv-init`
  17. #### 20141012
  18. * Fix warnings from `shellcheck` to improve support for POSIX sh (#40)
  19. * Do not allow whitespace in `VIRTUALENV_NAME` (#44)
  20. * Should not persist `PYENV_DEACTIVATE` after automatic deactivation (#47, #48)
  21. #### 20140705
  22. * Display information on auto-(de)?activation
  23. * Support manual (de)?activation with auto-activation enabled (#32, #34)
  24. * Exit as error when (de)?activation failed
  25. * Use https://bootstrap.pypa.io/ to install setuptools and pip
  26. * Create backup of original virtualenv within `$(pyenv root)/versions` when `--upgrade`
  27. #### 20140615
  28. * Fix incompatibility issue of `pyenv activate` and `pyenv deactivate` (#26)
  29. * Workaround for the issue with pyenv-which-ext (#26)
  30. #### 20140614
  31. * Add `pyenv virtualenv-init` to enable auto-activation feature (#24)
  32. * Create symlinks for executables with version suffix (yyuu/pyenv#182)
  33. #### 20140602
  34. * Use new style GH raw url to avoid redirects (raw.github.com -> raw.githubusercontent.com)
  35. * Repaired virtualenv activation and deactivation for the fish shell (#23)
  36. #### 20140421
  37. * Display error if `pyenv activate` was invoked as a command
  38. * Fix completion of `pyenv activate` (#15)
  39. * Use `virtualenv` instead of `pyvenv` if `-p` has given (yyuu/pyenv#158)
  40. #### 20140123
  41. * Add `activate` and `deactivate` to make `pyenv-virtualenv` work with [jedi](https://github.com/davidhalter/jedi) (#9)
  42. * Use `ensurepip` to install `pip` if it is available
  43. * Unset `PIP_REQUIRE_VENV` to avoid problem on the installation of `virtualenv` (#10)
  44. * Add tests
  45. #### 20140110.1
  46. * Fix install script
  47. #### 20140110
  48. * Support environment variables of `EZ_SETUP` and `GET_PIP`.
  49. * Support a short option `-p` of `virtualenv`.
  50. #### 20131216
  51. * Use latest release of setuptools and pip if the version not given via environment variables.
  52. #### 20130622
  53. * Removed bundled `virtualenv.py` script. Now pyenv-virtualenv installs `virtualenv` package into source version and then use it.
  54. * On Python 3.3+, use `pyvenv` as virtualenv command if `virtualenv` is not available.
  55. * Install setuptools and pip into environments created by `pyvenv`.
  56. #### 20130614
  57. * Add `pyenv virtualenvs` to list all virtualenv versions.
  58. * *EXPERIMENTAL*: Add `--upgrade` option to re-create virtualenv with migrating packages
  59. #### 20130527
  60. * Remove `python-virtualenv` which was no longer used.
  61. * Change the installation path of the `virtualenv.py` script. (`./libexec` -> `./libexec/pyenv-virtualenv/${VIRTUALENV_VERSION}`)
  62. * Download `virtualenv.py` if desired version has not been installed.
  63. #### 20130507
  64. * Display virtualenv information in `--help` and `--version`
  65. * Update virtualenv version; 1.8.4 -> 1.9.1
  66. #### 20130307
  67. * Rename the project; `s/python-virtualenv/pyenv-virtualenv/g`
  68. * The `pyenv-virtualenv` script is not depending on `python-virtualenv` now.
  69. `python-virtualenv` will left for compatibility and will not continue for future releases.
  70. * Update virtualenv version; 1.8.2 -> 1.8.4
  71. #### 20130218
  72. * Add pyenv 0.2.x (rbenv 0.4.x) style help messages.
  73. #### 20121023
  74. * Create virtualenv with exact name of python executables.
  75. * Changed command-line options of python-virtualenv.
  76. First argument should be a path to the python executable.
  77. * Add install script.
  78. #### 20120927
  79. * Initial public release.