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#!/usr/bin/env bats
load test_helper
setup() {
export PYENV_ROOT="${TMP}/pyenv"
export HOOK_PATH="${TMP}/i has hooks"
mkdir -p "$HOOK_PATH"
@test "pyenv-virtualenv hooks" {
cat > "${HOOK_PATH}/virtualenv.bash" <<OUT
before_virtualenv 'echo before: \$VIRTUALENV_PATH'
after_virtualenv 'echo after: \$STATUS'
setup_version "3.5.1"
create_executable "3.5.1" "virtualenv"
stub pyenv-prefix "echo '${PYENV_ROOT}/versions/3.5.1'"
stub pyenv-prefix "echo '${PYENV_ROOT}/versions/3.5.1'"
stub pyenv-hooks "virtualenv : echo '$HOOK_PATH'/virtualenv.bash"
stub pyenv-exec "echo PYENV_VERSION=3.5.1 \"\$@\""
stub pyenv-exec "echo PYENV_VERSION=3.5.1 \"\$@\""
stub pyenv-rehash "echo rehashed"
run pyenv-virtualenv "3.5.1" venv
assert_output <<-OUT
before: ${PYENV_ROOT}/versions/3.5.1/envs/venv
PYENV_VERSION=3.5.1 virtualenv ${PYENV_ROOT}/versions/3.5.1/envs/venv
PYENV_VERSION=3.5.1 python -s -m ensurepip
after: 0
unstub pyenv-prefix
unstub pyenv-hooks
unstub pyenv-exec
unstub pyenv-rehash
teardown_version "3.5.1"