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hace 10 años
  1. #!/usr/bin/env bats
  2. load test_helper
  3. export PYTHON_BUILD_CACHE_PATH="$TMP/cache"
  4. export MAKE=make
  5. export MAKE_OPTS="-j 2"
  6. export CC=cc
  8. setup() {
  9. mkdir -p "$INSTALL_ROOT"
  10. stub md5 false
  11. stub curl false
  12. }
  13. executable() {
  14. local file="$1"
  15. mkdir -p "${file%/*}"
  16. cat > "$file"
  17. chmod +x "$file"
  18. }
  19. cached_tarball() {
  20. mkdir -p "$PYTHON_BUILD_CACHE_PATH"
  21. pushd "$PYTHON_BUILD_CACHE_PATH" >/dev/null
  22. tarball "$@"
  23. popd >/dev/null
  24. }
  25. tarball() {
  26. local name="$1"
  27. local path="$PWD/$name"
  28. local configure="$path/configure"
  29. shift 1
  30. executable "$configure" <<OUT
  31. #!$BASH
  32. echo "$name: CPPFLAGS=\\"\$CPPFLAGS\\" LDFLAGS=\\"\$LDFLAGS\\"" >> build.log
  33. echo "$name: \$@" \${PYTHONOPT:+PYTHONOPT=\$PYTHONOPT} >> build.log
  34. OUT
  35. for file; do
  36. mkdir -p "$(dirname "${path}/${file}")"
  37. touch "${path}/${file}"
  38. done
  39. tar czf "${path}.tar.gz" -C "${path%/*}" "$name"
  40. }
  41. stub_make_install() {
  42. stub "$MAKE" \
  43. " : echo \"$MAKE \$@\" >> build.log" \
  44. "install : echo \"$MAKE \$@\" >> build.log && cat build.log >> '$INSTALL_ROOT/build.log'"
  45. }
  46. assert_build_log() {
  47. run cat "$INSTALL_ROOT/build.log"
  48. assert_output
  49. }
  50. @test "yaml is installed for python" {
  51. cached_tarball "yaml-0.1.6"
  52. cached_tarball "Python-3.2.1"
  53. stub brew false
  54. stub_make_install
  55. stub_make_install
  56. install_fixture definitions/needs-yaml
  57. assert_success
  58. unstub make
  59. assert_build_log <<OUT
  60. yaml-0.1.6: CPPFLAGS="-I${TMP}/install/include " LDFLAGS="-L${TMP}/install/lib "
  61. yaml-0.1.6: --prefix=$INSTALL_ROOT --libdir=$INSTALL_ROOT/lib
  62. make -j 2
  63. make install
  64. Python-3.2.1: CPPFLAGS="-I${TMP}/install/include " LDFLAGS="-L${TMP}/install/lib "
  65. Python-3.2.1: --prefix=$INSTALL_ROOT --libdir=$INSTALL_ROOT/lib
  66. make -j 2
  67. make install
  68. OUT
  69. }
  70. @test "apply python patch before building" {
  71. cached_tarball "yaml-0.1.6"
  72. cached_tarball "Python-3.2.1"
  73. stub brew false
  74. stub_make_install
  75. stub_make_install
  76. stub patch ' : echo patch "$@" | sed -E "s/\.[[:alnum:]]+$/.XXX/" >> build.log'
  77. TMPDIR="$TMP" install_fixture --patch definitions/needs-yaml <<<""
  78. assert_success
  79. unstub make
  80. unstub patch
  81. assert_build_log <<OUT
  82. yaml-0.1.6: CPPFLAGS="-I${TMP}/install/include " LDFLAGS="-L${TMP}/install/lib "
  83. yaml-0.1.6: --prefix=$INSTALL_ROOT --libdir=$INSTALL_ROOT/lib
  84. make -j 2
  85. make install
  86. patch -p0 --force -i $TMP/python-patch.XXX
  87. Python-3.2.1: CPPFLAGS="-I${TMP}/install/include " LDFLAGS="-L${TMP}/install/lib "
  88. Python-3.2.1: --prefix=$INSTALL_ROOT --libdir=$INSTALL_ROOT/lib
  89. make -j 2
  90. make install
  91. OUT
  92. }
  93. @test "apply python patch from git diff before building" {
  94. cached_tarball "yaml-0.1.6"
  95. cached_tarball "Python-3.2.1"
  96. stub brew false
  97. stub_make_install
  98. stub_make_install
  99. stub patch ' : echo patch "$@" | sed -E "s/\.[[:alnum:]]+$/.XXX/" >> build.log'
  100. TMPDIR="$TMP" install_fixture --patch definitions/needs-yaml <<<"diff --git a/"
  101. assert_success
  102. unstub make
  103. unstub patch
  104. assert_build_log <<OUT
  105. yaml-0.1.6: CPPFLAGS="-I${TMP}/install/include " LDFLAGS="-L${TMP}/install/lib "
  106. yaml-0.1.6: --prefix=$INSTALL_ROOT --libdir=$INSTALL_ROOT/lib
  107. make -j 2
  108. make install
  109. patch -p1 --force -i $TMP/python-patch.XXX
  110. Python-3.2.1: CPPFLAGS="-I${TMP}/install/include " LDFLAGS="-L${TMP}/install/lib "
  111. Python-3.2.1: --prefix=$INSTALL_ROOT --libdir=$INSTALL_ROOT/lib
  112. make -j 2
  113. make install
  114. OUT
  115. }
  116. @test "yaml is linked from Homebrew" {
  117. cached_tarball "Python-3.2.1"
  118. brew_libdir="$TMP/homebrew-yaml"
  119. mkdir -p "$brew_libdir"
  120. stub brew "--prefix libyaml : echo '$brew_libdir'" false
  121. stub_make_install
  122. install_fixture definitions/needs-yaml
  123. assert_success
  124. unstub brew
  125. unstub make
  126. assert_build_log <<OUT
  127. Python-3.2.1: CPPFLAGS="-I$brew_libdir/include -I${TMP}/install/include " LDFLAGS="-L$brew_libdir/lib -L${TMP}/install/lib "
  128. Python-3.2.1: --prefix=$INSTALL_ROOT --libdir=$INSTALL_ROOT/lib
  129. make -j 2
  130. make install
  131. OUT
  132. }
  133. @test "readline is linked from Homebrew" {
  134. cached_tarball "Python-3.2.1"
  135. readline_libdir="$TMP/homebrew-readline"
  136. mkdir -p "$readline_libdir"
  137. stub brew "--prefix readline : echo '$readline_libdir'"
  138. stub_make_install
  139. run_inline_definition <<DEF
  140. install_package "Python-3.2.1" ""
  141. DEF
  142. assert_success
  143. unstub brew
  144. unstub make
  145. assert_build_log <<OUT
  146. Python-3.2.1: CPPFLAGS="-I$readline_libdir/include -I${TMP}/install/include " LDFLAGS="-L$readline_libdir/lib -L${TMP}/install/lib "
  147. Python-3.2.1: --prefix=$INSTALL_ROOT --libdir=$INSTALL_ROOT/lib
  148. make -j 2
  149. make install
  150. OUT
  151. }
  152. @test "readline is not linked from Homebrew when explicitly defined" {
  153. cached_tarball "Python-3.2.1"
  154. # python-build
  155. readline_libdir="$TMP/custom"
  156. mkdir -p "$readline_libdir/include/readline"
  157. touch "$readline_libdir/include/readline/rlconf.h"
  158. stub brew
  159. stub_make_install
  160. export PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="CPPFLAGS=-I$readline_libdir/include LDFLAGS=-L$readline_libdir/lib"
  161. run_inline_definition <<DEF
  162. install_package "Python-3.2.1" ""
  163. DEF
  164. assert_success
  165. unstub brew
  166. unstub make
  167. assert_build_log <<OUT
  168. Python-3.2.1: CPPFLAGS="-I${TMP}/install/include " LDFLAGS="-L${TMP}/install/lib "
  169. Python-3.2.1: --prefix=$INSTALL_ROOT --libdir=$INSTALL_ROOT/lib CPPFLAGS=-I$readline_libdir/include LDFLAGS=-L$readline_libdir/lib
  170. make -j 2
  171. make install
  172. OUT
  173. }
  174. @test "number of CPU cores defaults to 2" {
  175. cached_tarball "Python-3.2.1"
  176. # yyuu/pyenv#222
  177. stub uname '-s : echo Darwin'
  178. stub sw_vers '-productVersion : echo 10.10'
  179. stub uname '-s : echo Darwin'
  180. stub sysctl false
  181. stub_make_install
  182. export -n MAKE_OPTS
  183. run_inline_definition <<DEF
  184. install_package "Python-3.2.1" ""
  185. DEF
  186. assert_success
  187. unstub uname
  188. unstub make
  189. assert_build_log <<OUT
  190. Python-3.2.1: CPPFLAGS="-I${TMP}/install/include " LDFLAGS="-L${TMP}/install/lib "
  191. Python-3.2.1: --prefix=$INSTALL_ROOT --libdir=$INSTALL_ROOT/lib
  192. make -j 2
  193. make install
  194. OUT
  195. }
  196. @test "number of CPU cores is detected on Mac" {
  197. cached_tarball "Python-3.2.1"
  198. # yyuu/pyenv#222
  199. stub uname '-s : echo Darwin'
  200. stub sw_vers '-productVersion : echo 10.10'
  201. stub uname '-s : echo Darwin'
  202. stub sysctl '-n hw.ncpu : echo 4'
  203. stub_make_install
  204. export -n MAKE_OPTS
  205. run_inline_definition <<DEF
  206. install_package "Python-3.2.1" ""
  207. DEF
  208. assert_success
  209. unstub uname
  210. unstub sysctl
  211. unstub make
  212. assert_build_log <<OUT
  213. Python-3.2.1: CPPFLAGS="-I${TMP}/install/include " LDFLAGS="-L${TMP}/install/lib "
  214. Python-3.2.1: --prefix=$INSTALL_ROOT --libdir=$INSTALL_ROOT/lib
  215. make -j 4
  216. make install
  217. OUT
  218. }
  219. @test "number of CPU cores is detected on FreeBSD" {
  220. cached_tarball "Python-3.2.1"
  221. stub uname '-s : echo FreeBSD'
  222. stub sysctl '-n hw.ncpu : echo 1'
  223. stub_make_install
  224. # yyuu/pyenv#222
  225. stub uname '-s : echo FreeBSD'
  226. export -n MAKE_OPTS
  227. run_inline_definition <<DEF
  228. install_package "Python-3.2.1" ""
  229. DEF
  230. assert_success
  231. unstub uname
  232. unstub sysctl
  233. unstub make
  234. assert_build_log <<OUT
  235. Python-3.2.1: CPPFLAGS="-I${TMP}/install/include " LDFLAGS="-L${TMP}/install/lib "
  236. Python-3.2.1: --prefix=$INSTALL_ROOT --libdir=$INSTALL_ROOT/lib
  237. make -j 1
  238. make install
  239. OUT
  240. }
  241. @test "setting PYTHON_MAKE_INSTALL_OPTS to a multi-word string" {
  242. cached_tarball "Python-3.2.1"
  243. stub_make_install
  244. export PYTHON_MAKE_INSTALL_OPTS="DOGE=\"such wow\""
  245. run_inline_definition <<DEF
  246. install_package "Python-3.2.1" ""
  247. DEF
  248. assert_success
  249. unstub make
  250. assert_build_log <<OUT
  251. Python-3.2.1: CPPFLAGS="-I${TMP}/install/include " LDFLAGS="-L${TMP}/install/lib "
  252. Python-3.2.1: --prefix=$INSTALL_ROOT --libdir=$INSTALL_ROOT/lib
  253. make -j 2
  254. make install DOGE="such wow"
  255. OUT
  256. }
  257. @test "setting MAKE_INSTALL_OPTS to a multi-word string" {
  258. cached_tarball "Python-3.2.1"
  259. stub_make_install
  260. export MAKE_INSTALL_OPTS="DOGE=\"such wow\""
  261. run_inline_definition <<DEF
  262. install_package "Python-3.2.1" ""
  263. DEF
  264. assert_success
  265. unstub make
  266. assert_build_log <<OUT
  267. Python-3.2.1: CPPFLAGS="-I${TMP}/install/include " LDFLAGS="-L${TMP}/install/lib "
  268. Python-3.2.1: --prefix=$INSTALL_ROOT --libdir=$INSTALL_ROOT/lib
  269. make -j 2
  270. make install DOGE="such wow"
  271. OUT
  272. }
  273. @test "custom relative install destination" {
  275. cd "$TMP"
  276. install_fixture definitions/without-checksum ./here
  277. assert_success
  278. assert [ -x ./here/bin/package ]
  279. }
  280. @test "make on FreeBSD 9 defaults to gmake" {
  281. cached_tarball "Python-3.2.1"
  282. stub uname "-s : echo FreeBSD" "-r : echo 9.1"
  283. MAKE=gmake stub_make_install
  284. # yyuu/pyenv#222
  285. stub uname '-s : echo FreeBSD'
  286. MAKE= install_fixture definitions/vanilla-python
  287. assert_success
  288. unstub gmake
  289. unstub uname
  290. }
  291. @test "make on FreeBSD 10" {
  292. cached_tarball "Python-3.2.1"
  293. stub uname "-s : echo FreeBSD" "-r : echo 10.0-RELEASE"
  294. stub_make_install
  295. # yyuu/pyenv#222
  296. stub uname '-s : echo FreeBSD'
  297. MAKE= install_fixture definitions/vanilla-python
  298. assert_success
  299. unstub uname
  300. }
  301. @test "can use PYTHON_CONFIGURE to apply a patch" {
  302. cached_tarball "Python-3.2.1"
  303. executable "${TMP}/custom-configure" <<CONF
  304. #!$BASH
  305. apply -p1 -i /my/patch.diff
  306. exec ./configure "\$@"
  307. CONF
  308. stub apply 'echo apply "$@" >> build.log'
  309. stub_make_install
  310. export PYTHON_CONFIGURE="${TMP}/custom-configure"
  311. run_inline_definition <<DEF
  312. install_package "Python-3.2.1" ""
  313. DEF
  314. assert_success
  315. unstub make
  316. unstub apply
  317. assert_build_log <<OUT
  318. apply -p1 -i /my/patch.diff
  319. Python-3.2.1: CPPFLAGS="-I${TMP}/install/include " LDFLAGS="-L${TMP}/install/lib "
  320. Python-3.2.1: --prefix=$INSTALL_ROOT --libdir=$INSTALL_ROOT/lib
  321. make -j 2
  322. make install
  323. OUT
  324. }
  325. @test "copy strategy forces overwrite" {
  327. mkdir -p "$INSTALL_ROOT/bin"
  328. touch "$INSTALL_ROOT/bin/package"
  329. chmod -w "$INSTALL_ROOT/bin/package"
  330. install_fixture definitions/without-checksum
  331. assert_success
  332. run "$INSTALL_ROOT/bin/package" "world"
  333. assert_success "hello world"
  334. }
  335. @test "mruby strategy overwrites non-writable files" {
  336. # nop
  337. }
  338. @test "mruby strategy fetches rake if missing" {
  339. # nop
  340. }
  341. @test "rbx uses bundle then rake" {
  342. # nop
  343. }
  344. @test "fixes rbx binstubs" {
  345. # nop
  346. }
  347. @test "JRuby build" {
  348. # nop
  349. }
  350. @test "JRuby+Graal does not install launchers" {
  351. # nop
  352. }
  353. @test "JRuby Java 7 missing" {
  354. # nop
  355. }
  356. @test "JRuby Java is outdated" {
  357. # nop
  358. }
  359. @test "JRuby Java 7 up-to-date" {
  360. # nop
  361. }
  362. @test "non-writable TMPDIR aborts build" {
  363. export TMPDIR="${TMP}/build"
  364. mkdir -p "$TMPDIR"
  365. chmod -w "$TMPDIR"
  366. touch "${TMP}/build-definition"
  367. run python-build "${TMP}/build-definition" "$INSTALL_ROOT"
  368. assert_failure "python-build: TMPDIR=$TMPDIR is set to a non-accessible location"
  369. }
  370. @test "non-executable TMPDIR aborts build" {
  371. export TMPDIR="${TMP}/build"
  372. mkdir -p "$TMPDIR"
  373. chmod -x "$TMPDIR"
  374. touch "${TMP}/build-definition"
  375. run python-build "${TMP}/build-definition" "$INSTALL_ROOT"
  376. assert_failure "python-build: TMPDIR=$TMPDIR is set to a non-accessible location"
  377. }