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  1. #!/usr/bin/env bats
  2. load test_helper
  3. create_executable() {
  4. local bin="${RBENV_ROOT}/versions/${1}/bin"
  5. mkdir -p "$bin"
  6. touch "${bin}/$2"
  7. chmod +x "${bin}/$2"
  8. }
  9. @test "empty rehash" {
  10. assert [ ! -d "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims" ]
  11. run rbenv-rehash
  12. assert_success ""
  13. assert [ -d "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims" ]
  14. rmdir "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims"
  15. }
  16. @test "non-writable shims directory" {
  17. mkdir -p "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims"
  18. chmod -w "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims"
  19. run rbenv-rehash
  20. assert_failure "rbenv: cannot rehash: ${RBENV_ROOT}/shims isn't writable"
  21. }
  22. @test "rehash in progress" {
  23. mkdir -p "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims"
  24. touch "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims/.rbenv-shim"
  25. run rbenv-rehash
  26. assert_failure "rbenv: cannot rehash: ${RBENV_ROOT}/shims/.rbenv-shim exists"
  27. }
  28. @test "creates shims" {
  29. create_executable "1.8" "ruby"
  30. create_executable "1.8" "rake"
  31. create_executable "2.0" "ruby"
  32. create_executable "2.0" "rspec"
  33. assert [ ! -e "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims/ruby" ]
  34. assert [ ! -e "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims/rake" ]
  35. assert [ ! -e "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims/rspec" ]
  36. run rbenv-rehash
  37. assert_success ""
  38. run ls "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims"
  39. assert_success
  40. assert_output <<OUT
  41. rake
  42. rspec
  43. ruby
  44. OUT
  45. }
  46. @test "removes outdated shims" {
  47. mkdir -p "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims"
  48. touch "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims/oldshim1"
  49. chmod +x "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims/oldshim1"
  50. create_executable "2.0" "rake"
  51. create_executable "2.0" "ruby"
  52. run rbenv-rehash
  53. assert_success ""
  54. assert [ ! -e "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims/oldshim1" ]
  55. }
  56. @test "do exact matches when removing stale shims" {
  57. create_executable "2.0" "unicorn_rails"
  58. create_executable "2.0" "rspec-core"
  59. rbenv-rehash
  60. cp "$RBENV_ROOT"/shims/{rspec-core,rspec}
  61. cp "$RBENV_ROOT"/shims/{rspec-core,rails}
  62. cp "$RBENV_ROOT"/shims/{rspec-core,uni}
  63. chmod +x "$RBENV_ROOT"/shims/{rspec,rails,uni}
  64. run rbenv-rehash
  65. assert_success ""
  66. assert [ ! -e "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims/rails" ]
  67. assert [ ! -e "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims/rake" ]
  68. assert [ ! -e "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims/uni" ]
  69. }
  70. @test "binary install locations containing spaces" {
  71. create_executable "dirname1 p247" "ruby"
  72. create_executable "dirname2 preview1" "rspec"
  73. assert [ ! -e "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims/ruby" ]
  74. assert [ ! -e "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims/rspec" ]
  75. run rbenv-rehash
  76. assert_success ""
  77. run ls "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims"
  78. assert_success
  79. assert_output <<OUT
  80. rspec
  81. ruby
  82. OUT
  83. }
  84. @test "carries original IFS within hooks" {
  85. create_hook rehash hello.bash <<SH
  86. hellos=(\$(printf "hello\\tugly world\\nagain"))
  87. echo HELLO="\$(printf ":%s" "\${hellos[@]}")"
  88. exit
  89. SH
  90. IFS=$' \t\n' run rbenv-rehash
  91. assert_success
  92. assert_output "HELLO=:hello:ugly:world:again"
  93. }
  94. @test "sh-rehash in bash" {
  95. create_executable "2.0" "ruby"
  96. RBENV_SHELL=bash run rbenv-sh-rehash
  97. assert_success "hash -r 2>/dev/null || true"
  98. assert [ -x "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims/ruby" ]
  99. }
  100. @test "sh-rehash in fish" {
  101. create_executable "2.0" "ruby"
  102. RBENV_SHELL=fish run rbenv-sh-rehash
  103. assert_success ""
  104. assert [ -x "${RBENV_ROOT}/shims/ruby" ]
  105. }