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  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  2. set -e
  3. [ -n "$RBENV_DEBUG" ] && set -x
  4. print=""
  5. no_rehash=""
  6. for args in "$@"
  7. do
  8. if [ "$args" = "-" ]; then
  9. print=1
  10. shift
  11. fi
  12. if [ "$args" = "--no-rehash" ]; then
  13. no_rehash=1
  14. shift
  15. fi
  16. done
  17. shell="$1"
  18. if [ -z "$shell" ]; then
  19. shell="$(basename "$SHELL")"
  20. fi
  21. resolve_link() {
  22. $(type -p greadlink readlink | head -1) $1
  23. }
  24. abs_dirname() {
  25. local cwd="$(pwd)"
  26. local path="$1"
  27. while [ -n "$path" ]; do
  28. cd "${path%/*}"
  29. local name="${path##*/}"
  30. path="$(resolve_link "$name" || true)"
  31. done
  32. pwd
  33. cd "$cwd"
  34. }
  35. root="$(abs_dirname "$0")/.."
  36. if [ -z "$print" ]; then
  37. case "$shell" in
  38. bash )
  39. profile='~/.bash_profile'
  40. ;;
  41. zsh )
  42. profile='~/.zshrc'
  43. ;;
  44. ksh )
  45. profile='~/.profile'
  46. ;;
  47. * )
  48. profile='your profile'
  49. ;;
  50. esac
  51. { echo "# Load rbenv automatically by adding"
  52. echo "# the following to ${profile}:"
  53. echo
  54. echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"'
  55. echo
  56. } >&2
  57. exit 1
  58. fi
  59. mkdir -p "${RBENV_ROOT}/"{shims,versions}
  60. echo 'export PATH="'${RBENV_ROOT}'/shims:${PATH}"'
  61. case "$shell" in
  62. bash | zsh )
  63. echo "source \"$root/completions/rbenv.${shell}\""
  64. ;;
  65. esac
  66. if [ -z "$no_rehash" ]; then
  67. echo 'rbenv rehash 2>/dev/null'
  68. fi
  69. commands=(`rbenv-commands --sh`)
  70. IFS="|"
  71. cat <<EOS
  72. rbenv() {
  73. typeset command
  74. command="\$1"
  75. if [ "\$#" -gt 0 ]; then
  76. shift
  77. fi
  78. case "\$command" in
  79. ${commands[*]})
  80. eval \`rbenv "sh-\$command" "\$@"\`;;
  81. *)
  82. command rbenv "\$command" "\$@";;
  83. esac
  84. }
  85. EOS