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#!/usr/bin/env bats
load test_helper
static_version="$(grep VERSION "$bats_bin" | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f 2)"
@test "python-build static version" {
stub git 'echo "ASPLODE" >&2; exit 1'
run python-build --version
assert_success "python-build ${static_version}"
unstub git
@test "python-build git version" {
stub git \
'remote -v : echo origin' \
"describe --tags HEAD : echo v1984-12-gSHA"
run python-build --version
assert_success "python-build 1984-12-gSHA"
unstub git
@test "git describe fails" {
stub git \
'remote -v : echo origin' \
"describe --tags HEAD : echo ASPLODE >&2; exit 1"
run python-build --version
assert_success "python-build ${static_version}"
unstub git
@test "git remote doesn't match" {
stub git \
'remote -v : echo origin'
run python-build --version
assert_success "python-build ${static_version}"