From 8ee6d019734d14a54b23bc9fdad8012ea6917a2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: skywind3000 Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2018 14:13:59 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] new strategy: predefined --- predefined.txt | 2327 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/strategies/predefined.zsh | 93 ++ zsh-autosuggestions.zsh | 93 ++ 3 files changed, 2513 insertions(+) create mode 100644 predefined.txt create mode 100644 src/strategies/predefined.zsh diff --git a/predefined.txt b/predefined.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6b3693 --- /dev/null +++ b/predefined.txt @@ -0,0 +1,2327 @@ +7z a {{archived.7z}} {{path/to/file}} +7z x {{archived}} +7z x {{archived}} -o{{path/to/output}} +7za a -t{{zip|gzip|bzip2|tar|...}} {{archived}} {{path/to/file}} +7za a {{archived.7z}} {{path/to/file}} +7za x {{archived}} +7zr a {{archived.7z}} {{path/to/file}} +7zr l {{archived.7z}} +7zr x {{archived.7z}} +Alt + M +C-x C-c +Ctrl + C +Ctrl + F "{{pattern}}" +Ctrl + K +Ctrl + R +Ctrl + w {{h|l|k|j}} +F1 +FTP_PASSWORD={{ftp_login_password}} PASSPHRASE={{encryption_password}} duplicity {{path/to/source/directory}} {{ftps://user@hostname/target/directory/path/}} +FTP_PASSWORD={{webdav_login_password}} duplicity remove-older-than {{1Y}} --force {{webdav[s]://user@hostname[:port]/some_dir}} +G (end), g (start) +R --version +R -f {{file.R}} +ab -n 100 -c 10 {{url}} +ab -n 100 {{url}} +ack --ruby {{each_with_object}} +ack -ch {{foo}} +ack {{foo}} +adb kill-server +adb shell +adb start-server +add archive {{archive.tar.gz}} as {{alias}}; +add file {{file_name}} as {{alias}}; +add user {{user_name}}; +adduser --home {{path/to/home}} {{username}} +adduser --no-create-home {{username}} +adduser {{username}} +ag -i -o {{FOO}} +ag -l {{foo}} +ag {{foo}} +airpaste < {{file.txt}} +airpaste > {{file.txt}} +airpaste {{channel_name}} +airport -I +airport -s +airport sniff {{1}} +alias {{word}} +alias {{word}}="{{command}}" +alpine +alpine {{}} +alter table {{table_name}} add partition ({{partition_spec}}); +ansible {{group}} --list-hosts +ansible {{group}} -m ping +ansible {{group}} -m setup +ansible-galaxy install {{username.role_name}} +ansible-galaxy list +ansible-galaxy remove {{username.role_name}} +ansible-playbook {{playbook}} +ansible-playbook {{playbook}} -e "{{variable1}}={{value1}} {{variable2}}={{value2}}" +ansible-playbook {{playbook}} -i {{inventory_file}} +apachectl restart +apachectl start +apachectl stop +apg +apg -M SNCL +apg -m {{16}} +apm install {{package_name}} +apm remove {{package_name}} +apm upgrade {{package_name}} +apropos -l {{regular_expression}} +apropos {{regular_expression}} +apt search {{package}} +apt show {{package}} +apt-cache policy {{package}} +apt-cache search {{query}} +apt-cache show {{package}} +apt-get install {{package}} +apt-get remove {{package}} +apt-get update +apt-key add {{public_key_file.asc}} +apt-key del {{key_id}} +apt-key list +aptitude install {{package}} +aptitude search {{package}} +aptitude update +ar -r {{libfoo.a}} {{foo.o}} {{bar.o}} {{baz.o}} +ar -t {{libfoo.a}} +ar -x {{libfoo.a}} +archey +archey +archey --macports +archey --nocolor +aria2c -i {{filename}} +aria2c {{url_1}} {{url_2}} +aria2c {{url}} +arp -a +arp -d {{address}} +arp-scan --localnet +arp-scan {{}}-{{}} +arp-scan {{}}/{{24}} +assimp export {{input_file.stl}} {{output_file.obj}} +assimp listexport +assimp listext +astyle --style=allman {{path/to/file}} +astyle --style=java {{path/to/file}} +astyle {{source_file}} +at -f {{path/to/file}} 9:30 PM Tue +at now + 5 min +at {{hh:mm:ss}} +at {{hh:mm:ss}} -f {{path/to/file}} +at {{hh:mm:ss}} -m +atom -n {{path/to/file_or_folder}} +atom {{path/to/file_or_folder}} +atq +atq -q {{a}} +atrm {{10}} +atrm {{15}} {{17}} {{22}} +autoflake --remove-all-unused-imports {{}} {{}} {{}} +autoflake --remove-unused-variables --in-place {{}} +autoflake --remove-unused-variables {{}} +autossh -M {{monitor_port}} -L {{local_port}}:localhost:{{remote_port}} {{user}}@{{host}} +autossh -M {{monitor_port}} {{ssh_command}} +autossh -f -M {{monitor_port}} -N {{ssh_command}} +avrdude -p \? +avrdude -p {{AVR_device}} -c {{programmer}} -U flash:r:{{file.hex}}:i +avrdude -p {{AVR_device}} -c {{programmer}} -U flash:w:{{file.hex}} +awk '/{{something}}/ {print $2}' {{filename}} +awk '{print $5}' {{filename}} +awk -F ',' '{print $NF}' {{filename}} +aws s3 ls {{bucket_name}} +aws s3 sync s3://{{bucket_name}} {{path/to/target}} +aws s3 sync {{path/to/files}} s3://{{bucket_name}} +axel -n {{connections_num}} {{url}} +axel {{url}} +axel {{url}} -o {{filename}} +base32 -d {{filename}} +base32 {{filename}} +base64 -D -i {{base64_file}} +base64 -d {{filename}} +base64 -i {{plain_file}} +base64 {{filename}} +basename {{path/to/file}} +basename {{path/to/file}} {{suffix}} +bash +bash -c "{{command}}" +bash {{}} +batch +batch -f {{path/to/file}} +bc -l +bc <<< "(1 + 2) * 2 ^ 2" +bc <<< "scale=10; 5 / 3" +bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file_1}} -b {{path/to/file_2}} -lof > {{path/to/output_file}} +bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file_1}} -b {{path/to/file_2}} -s > {{path/to/output_file}} +bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file_1}} -b {{path/to/file_2}} -sorted > {{path/to/output_file}} +beep +beep -f {{frequency}} -l {{duration}} +beep -r {{repetitions}} +bg +bg {{job_id}} +binary +blender -b {{filename}}.blend -a +blender -b {{filename}}.blend -o //{{render/frame_###.png}} -a +blender -b {{filename}}.blend -o {{/path/to/output_folder}} -f {{10}} +bmaptool copy --bmap {{blockmap.bmap}} {{source.img.gz}} {{/dev/sdb}} +bmaptool copy --bmap {{blockmap.bmap}} {{source.img}} {{/dev/sdb}} +bmaptool create -o {{blockmap.bmap}} {{source.img}} +bmon -a +bmon -b +bmon -p {{interface_1,interface_2,interface_3}} +boot cljs --help +boot jar +boot repl +borg create --progress {{/path/to/repo_folder}}::{{Monday}} {{/path/to/source_folder}} +borg init {{/path/to/repo_folder}} +borg list {{/path/to/repo_folder}} +bosh alias-env {{environment-name}} -e {{ip address or url}} --ca-cert {{ca_certificate}} +bosh environments +bosh login -e {{environment}} +bower install +bower install {{package}} {{package}} +bower uninstall {{package}} {{package}} +brew cask install {{cask_name}} +brew cask list +brew cask search {{text}} +brew install {{formula}} +brew install {{formula}} +brew list +brew list +brew search {{text}} +brew search {{text}} +browser-sync init +browser-sync start --server --files '{{path/to/directory/*.css}}' +browser-sync start --server {{path/to/directory}} --files {{path/to/directory}} +bundle install +bundle update +bundle update --source {{gemname}} +bzip2 -d {{path/to/compressed_file.bz2}} +bzip2 -dc {{path/to/compressed_file.bz2}} +bzip2 {{path/to/file_to_compress}} +c99 -c {{file.c}} +c99 -o {{executable_name}} {{file.c}} +c99 {{file.c}} +cabal info {{package_name}} +cabal install {{package_name}} +cabal list {{search_string}} +caffeinate -i +caffeinate -s {{command}} +caffeinate -u -t {{3600}} +cal +cal +cal --monday +cal --three +cal -m {{month}} +cal -y +calc +calc -p '{{85 * (36 / 4)}}' +calibre-server +calibre-server --port {{port}} +calibre-server --username {{username}} --password {{password}} +calibredb list +calibredb list --search {{search_term}} +calibredb search {{search_term}} +cargo install --list +cargo install {{crate_name}} +cargo search {{search_string}} +carthage update +carthage update --no-build +carthage update --platform ios +cat {{/path/to/file}} | lwp-request -m POST {{}} +cat {{file1}} {{file2}} > {{target_file}} +cat {{file1}} {{file2}} >> {{target_file}} +cat {{file1}} | comm -12 - {{file2}} +cat {{file}} +cat {{file}} | jq +cat {{file}} | jq --slurp +cat {{file}} | jq .[] +cat {{file}} | nl {{options}} - +cat {{file}} | xsel -ib +cat {{index.html}} | pup '{{div#id}}' +cat {{index.html}} | pup '{{tag}}' +cat {{index.html}} | pup --color +cc {{path/to/lex.yy.c}} --output {{executable}} +cc {{path/to/lex.yy.c}} --output {{executable}} +cd +cd .. +cd {{path/to/directory}} +chage -l {{user_name}} +chattr +i {{path}} +chattr -R +i {{folder}} +chattr -i {{path}} +chgrp -R {{group}} {{path/to/folder}} +chgrp -h {{user}} {{path/to/symlink}} +chgrp {{group}} {{path/to/file}} +chmod g-x {{file}} +chmod u+rw {{file}} +chmod u+x {{file}} +chown -R {{user}} {{path/to/folder}} +chown {{user}} {{path/to/file}} +chown {{user}}:{{group}} {{path/to/file}} +chroot --userspec={{user:group}} +chroot {{/path/to/new/root}} {{command}} +chsh -s {{path/to/shell_binary}} {{username}} +cksum {{filename}} +clang {{input_source.c}} -Wall -o {{output_executable}} +clang {{input_source.c}} -o {{output_executable}} +clang {{input_source.c}} -o {{output_executable}} -I{{header_path}} -L{{library_path}} -l{{library_name}} +clear +clear +cloc --diff {{/directory/one}} {{/directory/two}} +cloc --progress=1 {{/path/to/directory}} +cloc {{/path/to/directory}} +cmake && make +cmake -H. -B{{build}} && make -C {{build}} +cmake -i +cmp -l {{file1}} {{file2}} +cmp {{file1}} {{file2}} +cmus {{path/to/directory}} +code +code . +code {{path/to/file_or_folder}} +codesign -s {{"My Company Name"}} {{/path/to/}} +codesign -v {{/path/to/}} +comm -12 {{file1}} {{file2}} +comm {{file1}} {{file2}} +command1 | pv -s {{expected_amount_of_data_for_eta}} | command2 +compose {{filename}} +composer install +composer remove {{user/package-name}} +composer require {{user/package-name}} +conda create --name {{environment_name}} {{python=2.7 matplotlib}} +conda info --envs +consul --help +consul --version +consul kv delete {{key}} +consul kv get {{key}} +consul kv put {{key}} {{value}} +consul {{sub-command}} --help +convert {{image.jpg}} {{image.png}} +convert {{image.png}} -resize 50% {{image2.png}} +convert {{image.png}} -resize 640x480 {{image2.png}} +convmv -f {{from_encoding}} -t {{to_encoding}} --notest {{input_file}} +convmv -f {{from_encoding}} -t {{to_encoding}} {{input_file}} +cordova create {{path}} {{}} {{}} +cordova info +cordova platform add {{platform}} +couchdb +couchdb -b +couchdb -i +cowsay "Hello world!" +cowsay -l +cp -r {{path/to/folder}} {{path/to/copy}} +cp {{path/to/file.ext}} {{path/to/copy.ext}} +cp {{path/to/file.ext}} {{path/to/target/parent/folder}} +cpio -idv < {{archive.cpio}} +cppcheck --enable={{error|warning|style|performance|portability|information|all}} {{path/to/file.cpp}} +cppcheck --quiet {{path/to/folder}} +cppcheck . 2> cppcheck.log +cppclean {{main.cpp}} +cppclean {{path/to/project}} +cppclean {{path/to/project}} --include-path={{inc1}} --include-path={{inc2}} +cpufreq-info +cpufreq-info -c {{cpu_number}} +cpufreq-info -l +cpuid +cpuid -1 +cpuid -r +create function {{func_name}} as {{}} using '{{package.jar}}'; +create function {{func_name}} as {{script.Func}} using '{{}}'; +create table {{table_name}} ({{col}} {{type}}) partitioned by ({{col}} {{type}}) lifecycle {{days}}; +create table {{table_name}} like {{another_table}}; +crontab -e +crontab -l +crontab -r +cryptsetup luksClose {{target}} +cryptsetup luksFormat {{/dev/sda1}} +cryptsetup luksOpen {{/dev/sda1}} {{target}} +csslint --list-rules +csslint {{file.css}} +csslint {{file1.css}} {{file2.css}} {{file3.css}} +csvclean -n {{bad.csv}} +csvclean {{bad.csv}} +csvcut -C {{4}} {{data.csv}} +csvcut -c {{1,3}} {{data.csv}} +csvcut -n {{data.csv}} +csvformat -D "{{custom_character}}" {{data.csv}} +csvformat -M "{{\r\n}}" {{data.csv}} +csvformat -T {{data.csv}} +csvgrep -c {{1}} -m {{string_to_match}} {{data.csv}} +csvgrep -c {{3,4}} -r {{regex_pattern}} {{data.csv}} +csvgrep -i -c {{name}} -m {{"John Doe"}} {{data.csv}} +csvlook {{data.csv}} +csvpy --dict {{data.csv}} +csvpy {{data.csv}} +csvsort -c {{2,4}} {{data.csv}} +csvsort -c {{9}} {{data.csv}} +csvsort -r -c {{name}} {{data.csv}} +csvstat --sum {{data.csv}} +csvstat -c {{2,4}} {{data.csv}} +csvstat {{data.csv}} +curl -O -L -C - {{}} +curl -O {{}} +curl {{}} -o {{filename}} +cut -c {{1-16}} +cut -c {{1-16}} {{file}} +cut -c{{3-}} +dash +dash -c "{{command}}" +dash {{}} +date +"%c" +date +"%c" +date +%s +date +%s +date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" +date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" +dc +dc -f {{file}} +dd if=/dev/urandom of={{random_file}} bs=100 count=1 +dd if=/dev/urandom of={{random_file}} bs=100 count=1 +dd if=/dev/{{source_drive}} of=/dev/{{dest_drive}} bs=4M conv=noerror status=progress +dd if=/dev/{{source_drive}} of=/dev/{{dest_drive}} bs=4m conv=noerror +dd if={{file.iso}} of=/dev/{{usb_drive}} +dd if={{file.iso}} of=/dev/{{usb_drive}} status=progress +deactivate +defaults read -app {{application}} {{option}} +defaults read {{application}} {{option}} +defaults write {{application}} {{option}} {{-type}} {{value}} +deluser -r {{name}} +deluser {{name}} +deluser {{name}} {{group}} +dep ensure +dep init +dep status +desc instance {{instance_id}}; +df +df -h +df {{path/to/file_or_folder}} +dhcpwn --interface {{network_interface}} flood --count {{number_of_requests}} +dhcpwn --interface {{network_interface}} sniff +diff -w {{file1}} {{file2}} +diff -y {{file1}} {{file2}} +diff {{file1}} {{file2}} +diff {{file1}} {{file2}} | diffstat +diff {{file1}} {{file2}} | diffstat -t +dig +short {{}} +dig +short {{}} MX +dig {{}} ANY +dirs +dirs +{{N}} +dirs -p +diskutil list +diskutil repairVolume {{/dev/diskX}} +diskutil unmountDisk {{/dev/diskX}} +ditto -V {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}} +ditto -rsrc {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}} +ditto {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}} +dmesg +dmesg +dmesg --level err +dmesg -w +dmesg | grep -i memory +dmesg | less +dnf -y install {{package}} +dnf install {{package}} +dnf update +docker container ls +docker container ls -a +docker container start {{container}} +docker-compose --file {{path/to/file}} up +docker-compose up --build +docker-compose up -d +dokku apps +dokku apps:create {{app_name}} +dokku apps:destroy {{app_name}} +dot -Tpng -O {{path/to/}} +dot -Tsvg -o{{path/to/out_file.svg}} {{path/to/}} +dotnet new {{template_short_name}} +dotnet restore +dotnet run +doxygen -g +doxygen -g {{path/to/config_file}} +doxygen {{path/to/config_file}} +dpkg -i {{/path/to/file}} +dpkg -l {{pattern}} +dpkg -r {{package_name}} +dpkg-query -L {{package_name}} +dpkg-query -l +dpkg-query -l '{{pattern}}' +drush dl {{foo}} +drush dl {{foo}}-7.x-2.1-beta1 +drush en {{foo}} +drutil burn -noverify -eject -iso9660 +drutil eject +du -h {{path/to/folder}} +du -h {{path/to/folder}} +du -sh {{path/to/folder}} +du -sh {{path/to/folder}} +du -{{b|k|m}} {{path/to/folder}} +du -{{k|m|g}} {{path/to/folder}} +duplicity --full-if-older-than {{1M}} --use-new-style s3://{{bucket_name[/prefix]}} +ebook-convert {{source}} {{destination}} +echo "4 5 * 17 - p"| dc +echo "Hello!" | cowsay -f dragon +echo "example" | tee -a {{FILE}} +echo "example" | tee >(xargs mkdir) >(wc -c) +echo "example" | tee {{FILE}} +echo "hello" | rev +echo "test" | lp +echo "{{./}}" | at 1000 +echo "{{./}}" | batch +echo "{{content}}" | mailx -s "{{subject}}" {{to_addr}} +echo "{{file1}} {{file2}} {{file3}}" | cpio -o > {{archive.cpio}} +echo "{{message}}" | wall +echo $(expr index {{string}} {{substring}}) +echo -n {{"Hello World"}} +echo -n {{plain_text}} | base64 +echo 123 | xclip +echo 123 | xclip -sel clip +echo 123 | xclip -selection {{primary|secondary|clipboard}} +echo 123 | xsel -ib +echo {{"Hello World"}} +echo {{"Hello world"}} | msmtp --account={{account_name}} {{}} +echo {{"Hello world"}} | msmtp --host={{localhost}} --port={{999}} --from={{}} {{}} +echo {{"Hello world"}} | msmtp {{}} +echo {{"My path is $PATH"}} +echo {{log_entry}} | logger +echo {{log_entry}} | logger +echo {{log_entry}} | logger --server {{hostname}} --port {{port}} +echo {{log_entry}} | logger -h {{hostname}} -P {{port}} +ed +ed -p : +ed -p : {{path/to/file}} +edit {{filename}} +edquota --user $(whoami) +electrum -w {{new_wallet.dat}} create +electrum -w {{recovery_wallet.dat}} restore -o +electrum mktx {{recipient}} {{amount}} -f 0.0000001 -F {{from}} -o +elinks +elinks -dump -dump-color-mode {{1}} {{url}} +emacs -nw +emacs {{filename}} +emacsclient -n {{filename}} +emacsclient -nw {{filename}} +emacsclient {{filename}} +ember addon {{my_new_addon}} +ember build +ember new {{my_new_app}} +emerge --resume --skipfirst +emerge --sync +emerge -uDNav @world +enca -L {{language}} -x {{to_encoding}} {{file(s)}} +enca -L {{language}} {{file(s)}} +enca {{file(s)}} +env +env -i {{program}} +env {{program}} +equery depends {{package_name}} +equery list '*' +equery list -po {{package_name}} +eslint --fix +eslint --init +eslint {{filename}}.js {{filename1}}.js +espeak "I like to ride my bike." +espeak -f {{filename}} +espeak -w {{filename.wav}} "It's GNU plus Linux" +eval "$(thefuck --alias)" +eval "{{echo foo}}" +eval "{{foo=bar}}" +exa --all +exa --long --all +exa --oneline +exiftool "-AllDates+=0:0:0 1:0:0" {{directory}} +exiftool "-AllDates-=0:0:1 2:0:0" -ext jpg +exiftool -All= {{file}} +expand +expand -i {{file}} +expand {{file}} +export -n {{VARIABLE}} +export -n {{VARIABLE}} +export PATH=$PATH:{{path/to/append}} +export PATH=$PATH:{{path/to/append}} +export {{VARIABLE}}={{value}} +export {{VARIABLE}}={{value}} +expr length {{string}} +expr {{first_argument}} {{operator}} {{second_argument}} +eyeD3 --album {{"Album Name"}} {{*.mp3}} +eyeD3 --title {{"A Title"}} {{filename.mp3}} +eyeD3 {{filename.mp3}} +fastboot oem lock +fastboot oem unlock +fastboot reboot bootloader +fatlabel {{/dev/sda1}} +fatlabel {{/dev/sdc3}} "{{new_label}}" +fc-list | grep '{{DejaVu Serif}}' +fc-match -s '{{DejaVu Serif}}' +fc-pattern -d '{{DejaVu Serif}}' +fd --extension {{.ext}} {{pattern}} +fd {{'^foo'}} +fd {{pattern}} +fdupes -r {{directory}} +fdupes {{directory1}} {{directory2}} +fdupes {{directory}} +feh --borderless {{path/to/images}} +feh --borderless {{path/to/images}} +feh --recursive {{path/to/images}} +feh --recursive {{path/to/images}} +feh {{path/to/images}} +feh {{path/to/images}} +ffmpeg -i {{frame_%d.jpg}} -f image2 {{video.mpg|video.gif}} +ffmpeg -i {{video.mp4}} -vn {{sound}}.mp3 +ffmpeg -i {{video.mpg|video.gif}} {{frame_%d.png}} +ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=avg_frame_rate -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 {{input.mp4}} +ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 {{input.mp4}} +ffprobe -v error -show_entries {{input.mp4}} +fg +fg {{job_id}} +figlet {{input_text}} +figlet {{input_text}} -f {{font_file_name}} +file -s {{filename}} +file -s {{filename}} +file -z {{}} +file -z {{}} +file {{filename}} +file {{filename}} +find . -name {{'*.backup'}} | xargs rm -v +find . -type t -name "*.png" | pbcopy +find {{path/to/directory}} | cpio -ov > {{archive.cpio}} +find {{path/to/search_files}} -type f | fzf -m > {{filename}} +find {{path/to/search}} -type f | fzf +find {{root_path}} -name '{{*.ext}}' +find {{root_path}} -name '{{*.ext}}' -exec {{wc -l {} }}\; +find {{root_path}} -path '{{**/lib/**/*.ext}}' +findmnt +findmnt {{/dev/sdb1}} +findmnt {{/}} +firewall-cmd --get-active-zones +firewall-cmd --list-all +firewall-cmd --permanent --zone={{public}} --add-service={{https}} +fish +fish -c "{{command}}" +fish {{}} +flac -d -o {{path/to/output.wav}} {{path/to/file.flac}} +flac -o {{path/to/output.flac}} {{path/to/file.wav}} +flac {{path/to/file.wav}} +flex {{analyser.l}} +flex {{analyser.l}} --outfile {{analyser.c}} +fly --target {{target_name}} login --team-name {{team_name}} -c {{}} +fly -t {{target_name}} pipelines +fly targets +fold -w30 {{file}} +fold -w5 -s {{file}} +fold {{file}} +for argument in 1 2 3; do {{command $argument}}; done +for d in *; do (cd $d; {{command}}); done +foreman start +foreman start -f {{Procfile}} +foreman start {{process}} +fortune +fortune -l +fortune -o +fping -a -g +fping -a -g +fping -u -g +free +free -h +free -{{b|k|m|g}} +fsck -a {{/dev/sda}} +fsck -f {{/dev/sda}} +fsck -fy {{/dev/sda}} +fsck -r {{/dev/sda}} +fsck {{/dev/sda}} +fsck {{/dev/sda}} +fswatch -0 {{path/to/directory}} | xargs -0 -I {} {{bash_command}} +fswatch -0 {{path/to/file}} {{path/to/directory}} {{path/to/another_directory/**/*.js}} | xargs -0 {{bash_command}} +fswatch -0 {{path/to/file}} | xargs -0 {{bash_command}} +fswebcam -d {{device}} {{filename}} +fswebcam -r {{width}}x{{height}} {{filename}} +fswebcam {{filename}} +ftp {{}} +fuck +fuser -n tcp {{port}} +fusermount -u {{mountpoint}} +g {{bookmark_name}} +g++ {{source.cpp}} -Wall -o {{output_executable}} +g++ {{source.cpp}} -o {{output_executable}} +g++ {{source.cpp}} -std={{language_standard}} -o {{output_executable}} +gatsby develop +gatsby new {{site_name}} +gatsby new {{site_name}} {{url_of_starter_github_repo}} +gcc {{source.c}} -Wall -Og -o {{executable}} +gcc {{source.c}} -o {{executable}} -I{{header_path}} -L{{library_path}} -l{{library_name}} +gcc {{source1.c}} {{source2.c}} -o {{executable}} +gdb -ex "{{commands}}" {{executable}} +gdb -p {{procID}} +gdb {{executable}} +gem install {{gemname}} +gem install {{gemname}} -v {{1.0.0}} +gem update {{gemname}} +get {{/path/remote_file}} +getenet group {{group_name}} +getent group +getent services +getfacl -n {{path/to/file_or_folder}} +getfacl -t {{path/to/file_or_folder}} +getfacl {{path/to/file_or_folder}} +geth +geth --testnet +geth account new +gh configure +gh notifications +ghc -O {{file.hs}} +ghc Main +ghc {{file.hs}} +gifsicle --delay={{10}} --loop *.gif > {{anim.gif}} +gifsicle -b {{anim.gif}} --replace '#0' {{new.gif}} +gifsicle {{anim.gif}} '#0' > {{firstframe.gif}} +gist --login +gist -p -d {{"A meaningful description"}} {{file.txt}} +gist {{file.txt}} {{file2.txt}} +git --help +git --version +git add -A +git add -u +git add {{path/to/file}} +git bisect reset +git bisect start {{bad_commit}} {{good_commit}} +git bisect {{good|bad}} +git blame -e {{file}} +git blame {{file}} +git branch +git branch -a +git branch {{branch_name}} +git checkout --track {{remote_name}}/{{branch_name}} +git checkout -b {{branch_name}} +git checkout {{branch_name}} +git cherry-pick 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+git worktree list +gitk +gitk --since={{"1 week ago"}} +gitk {{path/to/file_or_folder}} +gitsome +glances +glances -s +glances -w +go build -o {{executable}} {{file}}.go +go get {{package_path}} +go run {{file}}.go +gofmt -s -w {{source.go}} +gofmt -w {{source.go}} +gofmt {{source.go}} +gource -c {{time_scale_multiplier}} +gource -{{width}}x{{height}} +gource {{path/to/repository}} +gpg --clearsign {{doc.txt}} +gpg --encrypt --recipient {{}} {{doc.txt}} +gpg --symmetric {{doc.txt}} +gradle build +gradle build --offline +gradle build -x {{test}} +grant {{action_list}} on {{object_type}} {{object_name}} to user {{user_name}}; +grep -i {{search_string}} {{path/to/file}} +grep -rI {{search_string}} . +grep {{search_string}} {{path/to/file}} +groff -man -T ascii {{manpage.1}} | less +groff -man -T html {{manpage.1}} > {{page.html}} +groff -man -T utf8 {{manpage.1}} +groupadd {{group_name}} +groupadd {{group_name}} -g {{group_id}} +groupdel {{group_name}} +groupmod -g {{new_group_id}} 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"{{process_name}} {{parameter}}" +pgrep -u root {{process_name}} +pgrep {{process_name}} +php -a +php -l {{file}} +php {{file}} +phpize +phpize --clean +phpunit +phpunit --group {{name}} +phpunit {{path/to/TestFile.php}} +pigz -0 -p{{4}} {{filename}} +pigz -9 {{filename}} +pigz {{filename}} +ping -c {{count}} {{host}} +ping -i {{seconds}} {{host}} +ping {{host}} +pip install -U {{package_name}} +pip install {{package_name}} +pip install {{package_name}}=={{package_version}} +pipenv +pipenv --three +pipenv install {{package_name}} +pkgadd -u {{package_name}} +pkgadd {{package_name}} +pkginfo -i +pkginfo -l {{package_name}} +pkginfo -o {{pattern}} +pkgmk -d +pkgmk -d -i +pkgmk -d -u +pkgrm {{package_name}} +pkill -9 -f "{{command_name}}" +pkill -9 {{process_name}} +pkill -USR1 {{process_name}} +play {{audiofile1}} {{audiofile2}} +play {{audiofile}} +play {{audiofile}} speed 2.0 +pm2 list +pm2 monit +pm2 start {{app.js}} --name {{myapp}} +pmset -g +pmset -g batt +pngcrush -d 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fzf +ps aux | grep {{string}} +ps auxww +psql -h {{host}} -p {{port}} -U {{username}} -W {{database}} +psql -h {{host}} -p {{port}} -U {{username}} {{database}} +psql {{database}} +pssh -H {{host1}} -H {{host2}} -o {{path/to/output_dir}} {{hostname -i}} +pssh -i -H "{{host1}} {{host2}}" {{hostname -i}} +pssh -i -h {{path/to/hosts_file}} {{hostname -i}} +pstree +pstree -p +pstree {{user}} +pulseaudio --check +pulseaudio --kill +pulseaudio --start +pushd +pushd +pushd +4 +pushd +4 +pushd < {{directory}} +pushd {{directory}} +pv -cN in {{big_text_file}} | grep {{pattern}} | pv -cN out > {{filtered_file}} +pv {{file}} +pvcreate --force {{/dev/sda1}} +pvcreate {{/dev/sda1}} +pwd +pwd -P +pwgen -c {{length}} +pwgen -c {{length}} +pwgen -s {{length}} +pwgen -s {{length}} +pwgen -y {{length}} +pwgen -y {{length}} +pycodestyle --first {{}} +pycodestyle {{}} +pycodestyle {{}} {{}} {{}} +pyenv commands +pyenv install {{2.7.10}} +pyenv versions +pygmentize -L lexers +pygmentize -l {{javascript}} 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+rails server -p "{{port}}" +rainbowstream +rbash +rbash -c "{{command}}" +rbash {{}} +rdesktop -u Administrator -p passwd123 +rdesktop -u {{username}} -p {{password}} -f {{host:port}} +rdesktop -u {{username}} -p {{password}} {{host:port}} +read -a {{array}} +read -e {{variable}} +read {{variable}} +readlink -f {{filename}} +readlink {{filename}} +reboot +reboot -f +redis-cli +redis-cli -h {{host}} +redis-cli -h {{host}} -p {{port}} +redshift -b {{0.7}}:{{0.4}} +redshift -l {{latitude}}:{{longitude}} +redshift -t {{5700}}:{{3600}} +rename -f {{'s/foo/bar/'}} {{\*}} +rename -n {{'s/foo/bar/'}} {{\*}} +rename {{'s/foo/bar/'}} {{\*}} +renice -n {{niceness_value}} -g {{group}} +renice -n {{niceness_value}} -p {{pid}} +renice -n {{niceness_value}} -u {{user}} +repquota --user {{filesystem}} +rev {{file}} +rg -t {{filetype}} {{pattern}} +rg -uu {{pattern}} +rg {{pattern}} +rm -r {{path/to/folder}} +rm -rf {{path/to/folder}} +rm {{path/to/file}} {{path/to/another/file}} +rmdir -p 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{{outputfile.css}} +say -f {{filename.txt}} +say -v {{voice}} -r {{words_per_minute}} {{"I'm sorry Dave, I can't let you do that."}} +say {{"I like to ride my bike."}} +scala +scala {{filename.jar}} +scala {{script.scala}} +scp -r {{remote_host}}:{{path/to/remote_dir}} {{path/to/local_dir}} +scp {{path/to/local_file}} {{remote_host}}:{{path/to/remote_file}} +scp {{remote_host}}:{{path/to/remote_file}} {{path/to/local_dir}} +scrapy edit {{spider_name}} +scrapy genspider {{spider_name}} {{website_domain}} +scrapy startproject {{project_name}} +screen +screen -S {{session_name}} +screen -dmLS {{session_name}} {{command}} +screenfetch +screenfetch -A '{{distribution_name}}' +screenfetch -s +scutil --dns +scutil --get ComputerName +scutil --proxy +sed 's/{{find}}/{{replace}}/' {{filename}} +sed 's/{{find}}/{{replace}}/' {{filename}} +sed -E 's/{{regex}}/{{replace}}/g' {{filename}} +sed -i '' 's/{{find}}/{{replace}}/g' {{filename}} +sed -i 's/{{find}}/{{replace}}/g' {{filename}} +sed -r 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{{filename.sha384}} +sha384sum {{filename1}} +sha384sum {{filename1}} {{filename2}} +sha512sum -c {{filename.sha512}} +sha512sum {{filename1}} +sha512sum {{filename1}} {{filename2}} +shasum --algorithm 256 {{filename}} +shasum --algorithm 256 {{filename}} +shasum --algorithm 512 {{filename1}} {{filename2}} +shasum --algorithm 512 {{filename1}} {{filename2}} +shasum {{filename}} +shasum {{filename}} +shopt +shopt -s {{option_name}} +shopt -u {{option_name}} +show grants for {{user_name}}; +show instances; +show tables; +showfigfonts {{optional_string_to_display}} +shred --zero {{file}} +shred -n25 {{file}} +shred {{file}} +shuf -n {{n}} {{filename}} +shuf -o {{another_filename}} {{filename}} +shuf {{filename}} +shutdown -h now +shutdown -h now +shutdown -r +{{5}} & +shutdown -r now +shutdown -r now +shutdown -s now +singularity build {{container.simg}} {{docker://godlovedc/lolcow}} +singularity pull --name {{container.simg}} {{shub://vsoch/hello-world}} +singularity shell {{container.simg}} +skicka download {{path/to/remote}} {{path/to/local}} +skicka ls {{path/to/folder}} +skicka upload {{path/to/local}} {{path/to/remote}} +sl +sl -F +sl -a +slackcat --channel {{channel_name}} --filename={{filename}} {{path/to/file}} +slackcat --channel {{channel_name}} {{path/to/file}} +sleep {{hours}}h +sleep {{minutes}}m +sleep {{seconds}} +smbclient {{//server/share}} +smbclient {{//server/share}} --user {{username%password}} +smbclient {{//server/share}} --user {{username}} +snap find {{package_name}} +snap install {{package_name}} +snap list +socat - TCP-LISTEN:8080,fork +socat - +socat TCP-LISTEN:80,fork +softwareupdate -ia +softwareupdate -ir +softwareupdate -l +sort -n {{filename}} +sort -n {{filename}} +sort -r {{filename}} +sort -r {{filename}} +sort {{filename}} +sort {{filename}} +sort {{file}} | uniq +sort {{file}} | uniq -d +sort {{file}} | uniq -u +source {{activate|deactivate}} {{environment_name}} +source {{path/to/venv}}/bin/activate +sox --norm {{input_audiofile}} {{output_audiofile}} +sox -m {{input_audiofile1}} {{input_audiofile2}} {{output_audiofile}} +sox {{input_audiofile}} {{output_audiofile}} trim {{start}} {{end}} +spatial worker build +spatial worker build --target=development --target=Osx +spatial worker build --target=local --target=Windows +speedtest-cli +speedtest-cli --list > speedtest_servers.txt +speedtest-cli --share +spike compile +spike new {{project_name}} +spike watch +split -C 512 {{filename}} +split -l 10 {{filename}} +split -n 5 {{filename}} +sqlite3 +sqlite3 {{path/to/database.sqlite3}} +sqlite3 {{path/to/database.sqlite3}} '{{SELECT * FROM some_table;}}' +srm -m {{/path/to/file}} +srm -r -s {{/path/to/folder}} +srm -s {{/path/to/file}} +ss -a {{-t|-u|-w|-x}} +ss -t src :{{443}} +ss {{state/exclude}} {{bucket/big/connected/synchronized/...}} +ssh -i {{path/to/key_file}} {{username}}@{{remote_host}} +ssh {{username}}@{{remote_host}} +ssh {{username}}@{{remote_host}} -p {{2222}} +ssh-add +ssh-add +ssh-add -l +ssh-add -l +ssh-add {{path/to/private_key}} +ssh-add {{path/to/private_key}} +ssh-copy-id -i {{path/to/certificate}} -p {{port}} {{username}}@{{remote_host}} +ssh-copy-id -i {{path/to/certificate}} {{username}}@{{remote_host}} +ssh-copy-id {{username@remote_host}} +ssh-keygen +ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/{{filename}} +ssh-keygen -t dsa +sshfs {{username}}@{{remote_host}}:{{remote_directory}} -p {{2222}} +sshfs {{username}}@{{remote_host}}:{{remote_directory}} {{mountpoint}} +sshpass -d {{0}} ssh {{user}}@{{hostname}} +sshpass -f {{file}} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {{user}}@{{hostname}} "{{command}}" +sshpass -p {{password}} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {{user}}@{{hostname}} +sshuttle --dns --remote={{username}}@{{sshserver}} {{}} +sshuttle --dns --remote={{username}}@{{sshserver}} {{}} +sshuttle --remote={{username}}@{{sshserver}} {{}} +sshuttle --remote={{username}}@{{sshserver}} {{}} +st-flash erase +st-flash read {{firmware}}.bin {{0x8000000}} {{4096}} +st-flash write {{firmware}}.bin {{0x8000000}} +st-info --flash +st-info --probe +st-info --sram +st-util -p {{4500}} +stack build +stack build yesod-bin cabal-install --install-ghc +stack exec -- yesod devel +stack install +stack new {{my-project}} {{yesod-sqlite}} +stack new {{project_name}} +standard +standard --fix +standard {{path/to/file(s)}} +stat -f %Mp%Lp {{file}} +stat -f {{file}} +stat -t {{file}} +stat -x {{file}} +stat {{file}} +stat {{file}} +status {{instance_id}}; +strace -p {{pid}} +strace -p {{pid}} -c +strace -p {{pid}} -e {{system call name}} +strings -n {{length}} {{file}} +strings -t d {{file}} +strings {{file}} +su +su - {{username}} +su {{username}} +subliminal download -l {{en}} {{video.ext}} +sudo -u {{www}} {{vi}} {{/var/www/index.html}} +sudo /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb +sudo apt update +sudo arp -a -d +sudo atq +sudo badblocks -n {{/dev/sda}} +sudo badblocks -w {{/dev/sda}} +sudo badblocks {{/dev/sda}} +sudo chage -M -1 {{user_name}} +sudo chage -M {{10}} {{user_name}} +sudo cpufreq-aperf +sudo cpufreq-aperf -c {{1}} +sudo cpufreq-aperf -i {{3}} +sudo cpufreq-set -c {{1}} --max {{max_frequency}} +sudo cpufreq-set -c {{1}} --min {{min_frequency}} +sudo cpufreq-set -c {{1}} -g {{userspace}} +sudo dmidecode +sudo dmidecode -s bios-version +sudo dmidecode -s system-serial-number +sudo edquota --group {{group}} +sudo edquota --user {{username}} +sudo genkernel --menuconfig all +sudo genkernel all +sudo genkernel {{bzImage|initramfs|kernel|ramdisk}} +sudo hostnamectl set-hostname "{{some_hostname}}" +sudo i7z +sudo iptables -A {{chain}} -s {{ip}} -j {{rule}} +sudo iptables -P {{chain}} {{rule}} +sudo iptables -t {{table_name}} -vnL +sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/{{root_script}}.plist +sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/{{system_daemon}}.plist +sudo ldconfig +sudo ldconfig -n {{path/to/directory}} +sudo logstash --config {{logstash_config.conf}} +sudo logstash -e 'input {} filter {} output {}' +sudo losetup -D +sudo losetup /dev/{{loop}} /{{path/to/file}} +sudo lshw -X +sudo lshw -class disk -class storage -short +sudo lshw -short +sudo modprobe zram num_devices={{2}} +sudo nethogs +sudo nethogs {{device1}} {{device2}} +sudo nethogs {{device}} +sudo ntfsfix {{/dev/sdb2}} +sudo opensnoop +sudo opensnoop -n {{process_name}} +sudo opensnoop -p {{PID}} +sudo perf record {{command}} +sudo perf top +sudo pmset -c displaysleep 0 +sudo port install {{package_name}} +sudo prosodyctl adduser {{}} +sudo prosodyctl reload +sudo prosodyctl status +sudo quotacheck --all +sudo quotacheck --debug {{mountpoint}} +sudo quotacheck --force {{mountpoint}} +sudo repquota -all +sudo repquota -v {{filesystem}} +sudo route -t add {{dest_ip_address}}/24 {{gateway_address}} +sudo route add -net {{ip_address}} netmask {{netmask_address}} gw {{gw_address}} +sudo route add {{dest_ip_address}} {{gateway_address}} +sudo route add {{subnet_ip_address}}/24 {{gateway_address}} +sudo route del -net {{ip_address}} netmask {{netmask_address}} dev {{gw_address}} +sudo runsv {{path/to/service}} +sudo runsv {{path/to/service}} +sudo runsvchdir {{/path/to/directory}} +sudo runsvchdir {{/path/to/directory}} +sudo runsvdir {{path/to/services}} +sudo runsvdir {{path/to/services}} +sudo smartctl --health {{/dev/sda}} +sudo smartctl --info {{/dev/sda}} +sudo smartctl --test short {{/dev/sda}} +sudo sshuttle --method=tproxy --remote={{username}}@{{sshserver}} {{}} {{::/0}} --exclude={{your_local_ip_address}} --exclude={{ssh_server_ip_address}} +sudo sshuttle --method=tproxy --remote={{username}}@{{sshserver}} {{}} {{::/0}} --exclude={{your_local_ip_address}} --exclude={{ssh_server_ip_address}} +sudo sv down {{path/to/service}} +sudo sv down {{path/to/service}} +sudo sv status {{path/to/service}} +sudo sv status {{path/to/service}} +sudo sv up {{path/to/service}} +sudo sv up {{path/to/service}} +sudo update-alternatives --config {{java}} +sudo update-alternatives --install {{path/to/symlink}} {{command_name}} {{path/to/command_binary}} {{priority}} +sudo update-alternatives --remove {{java}} {{/opt/java/jdk1.8.0_102/bin/java}} +sudo updatedb +sudo visudo +sudo visudo -c +sudo zramctl --find --size {{2GB}} --algorithm {{lz4}} +sudo {{ls}} {{/usr/local/scrt}} +sudo {{shutdown}} -h +10 {{"Cya soon!"}} +sum --sysv {{file}} +sum {{file}} +supervisorctl tail -100 {{process_name}} stderr +supervisorctl {{start|stop|restart}} {{group_name}}:* +supervisorctl {{start|stop|restart}} {{process_name}} +supervisord -c {{path/to/file}} +supervisord -n +surge list +surge {{path/to/my_project}} +surge {{path/to/my_project}} {{}} +svgo -f {{path/to/folder/with/svg/files}} +svgo {{test.svg}} +svgo {{test.svg}} {{test.min.svg}} +svn add PATH... +svn co {{url/to/repository}} +svn up +sw_vers -buildVersion +sw_vers -productVersion +swagger-codegen generate -i {{}} -l {{java}} --library {{retrofit2}} -D{{useRxJava2}}={{true}} +swagger-codegen generate -i {{swagger_file}} -l {{language}} +swagger-codegen langs +sync +sync {{path/to/file}} +sysctl -a +sysctl -a +sysctl -n hw.model +sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string +sysctl -w {{section.tunable}}={{value}} +sysctl fs.file-nr +system_profiler -xml > MyReport.spx +system_profiler SPHardwareDataType +system_profiler SPHardwareDataType|grep "Serial Number (system)" |awk '{print $4}' +systemctl --failed +systemctl start/stop/restart/reload {{unit}} +systemctl status {{unit}} +systemd-analyze blame +systemd-analyze critical-chain +systemsetup -setremotelogin on +systemsetup -setsleep off -setrestartpowerfailure on -setrestartfreeze on +systemsetup -settimezone {{US/Pacific}} -setnetworktimeserver {{}} -setusingnetworktime on +tabula --format JSON -o {{file.json}} {{file.pdf}} +tabula --pages {{1-3,6}} {{file.pdf}} +tabula -o {{file.csv}} {{file.pdf}} +tac {{file1}} +tac {{file1}} {{file2}} > {{target_file}} +tail -c {{num}} {{file}} +tail -n +{{num}} {{file}} +tail -n {{num}} {{file}} +tar cf {{target.tar}} {{file1 file2 file3}} +tar czf {{target.tar.gz}} {{file1 file2 file3}} +tar xf {{source.tar}} -C {{folder}} +task add {{thing_to_do}} +task list +task {{task_id}} done +tcpdump -A tcp +tcpdump -D +tcpdump -i {{eth0}} +tcpflow -c -i {{eth0}} port {{80}} +telnet {{host}} +telnet {{ip_address}} {{port}} +tesseract --list-langs +tesseract -l deu {{image.png}} {{output}} +tesseract {{image.png}} {{output}} +test $MY_VAR == '/bin/zsh' +test -e {{filename}} +test -z $GIT_BRANCH +time ls +timedatectl +timedatectl list-timezones +timedatectl set-time {{"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"}} +timeout --signal {{INT}} {{5s}} {{sleep 10}} +timeout {{3s}} {{sleep 10}} +timew +timew start {{activity_tag}} +timew stop {{activity_tag}} +tldr --update +tldr {{command}} +tldrl -f {{}} +tldrl -fi {{pages_directory}} +tldrl {{pages_directory}} +tmux +tmux ls +tmux new -s {{name}} +tomb dig -s {{100}} {{encrypted_folder.tomb}} +tomb forge {{encrypted_folder.tomb.key}} +tomb lock {{encrypted_folder.tomb}} -k {{encrypted_folder.tomb.key}} +top +top +top -i +top -o cpu -O time +top -o mem +top -u {{user_name}} +touch -r {{filename}} {{filename2}} +touch -t {{YYYYMMDDHHMM.SS}} {{filename}} +touch {{filename}} +tpp -t {{type}} -o {{outputname}} {{filename}} +tpp {{filename}} +tput cup {{y_coordinate}} {{x_coordinate}} +tput {{cols|lines|colors}} +tput {{setaf|setab}} {{ansi_color_code}} +tr 'abcd' 'jkmn' < {{filename}} +tr -d '{{input_characters}}' +tr {{find_characters}} {{replace_characters}} < {{filename}} +traceroute -n {{host}} +traceroute -w {{0.5}} {{host}} +traceroute {{host}} +traefik +traefik --c {{config_file}}.toml +traefik --cluster +trans "{{word_or_sentence_to_translate}}" +trans --brief "{{word_or_sentence_to_translate}}" +trans :{{fr}} {{word}} +transcode -J stabilize -i {{input_file}} +transcode -J transform -i {{input_file}} -y xvid -o {{output_file}} +transcode -Z 640x480 -i {{input_file}} -y xvid -o {{output_file}} +tree -L {{num}} +tree -L {{num}} +tree -a +tree -a +tree -d +tree -d +tty +tunnel download {{table_name}} {{file}}; +tunnel upload {{file}} {{table_name}} -fd {{field_delim}} -rd {{record_delim}}; +tunnel upload {{file}} {{table_name}}/{{partition_spec}}; +ufraw-batch --embedded-image {{input_file(s)}} +ufraw-batch --out-type=jpg {{input_file(s)}} +ufraw-batch --out-type=png {{input_file(s)}} +ufw disable +ufw enable +ufw status numbered +ulimit -H -n +ulimit -S -n +ulimit -a +umask +umask -S +umask {{a+r}} +umount -a +umount {{path/to/device_file}} +umount {{path/to/mounted_directory}} +unalias {{word}} +uname -mp +uname -mp +uname -n +uname -n +uname -srv +uname -srv +unar -f {{archive}} +unar -o {{path/to/directory}} {{archive}} +unar {{archive}} +unexpand +unexpand -a {{file}} +unexpand {{file}} +unrar e {{compressed.rar}} +unrar t {{compressed.rar}} +unrar x {{compressed.rar}} +unzip -l {{}} +unzip {{compressed_file(s)}} -d {{/path/to/put/extracted_file(s)}} +unzip {{file(s)}} +update-rc.d {{mysql}} defaults +update-rc.d {{mysql}} disable +update-rc.d {{mysql}} enable +uptime +use {{project_name}}; +useradd --create-home {{name}} +useradd --shell {{/path/to/shell}} {{name}} +useradd {{name}} +userdel -r {{name}} +usermod -a -G {{group1,group2}} {{user}} +usermod -l {{newname}} {{user}} +usermod -m -d {{/path/to/home}} {{user}} +vagrant init +vagrant init ubuntu/trusty32 +vagrant up +valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all {{program}} +valgrind --tool=cachegrind {{program}} +valgrind {{program}} +vault auth {{authentication-token}} +vault init +vault unseal {{key-share-x}} +vgcreate {{vg1}} {{/dev/sda1}} +vgcreate {{vg1}} {{/dev/sda1}} {{/dev/sdb1}} {{/dev/sdc1}} +view {{file}} +vim {{file}} +vimdiff -o {{file1}} {{file2}} +vimdiff {{file1}} {{file2}} +vimtutor {{language}} +virtualenv {{path/to/venv}} +vncserver +vncserver --geometry {{width}}x{{height}} +vncserver --kill :{{display_number}} +vue init {{path/to/template_folder}} {{project_name}} +vue init {{template}} {{project_name}} +vue init {{username}}/{{repo}} {{project_name}} +w -h +w -h +w -i +w3m {{}} +wacaw --video {{filename}} -D {{duration_in_seconds}} +wacaw -x {{width}} -y {{height}} {{filename}} +wacaw {{filename}} +wait +wait {{pid}} +wall -t {{seconds}} {{file}} +wall {{file}} +watch -d {{df}} +watch -d {{ls -l}} +watch -n {{3}} "{{ps aux | grep node}}" +watch -n {{60}} {{command}} +watch {{command}} +watch {{ls}} +wc -c {{file}} +wc -l {{file}} +wc -w {{file}} +webpack --config {{webpack.config.js}} --progress +webpack {{app.js}} {{bundle.js}} +webpack {{app.js}} {{bundle.js}} --module-bind 'css=css' +wget --page-requisites --convert-links {{}} +wget -O {{bar}} {{}} +wget {{}} +whatis --long {{command}} +whatis --wildcard {{net*}} +whatis {{command}} +where {{command}} +whereis -bm {{ls}} +whereis -s {{gcc}} -m {{git}} +whereis {{ssh}} +which -a {{executable}} +which {{executable}} +while :; do {{command}}; sleep 1; done +while read line; do echo "$line"; done +who +who -a +who am i +whoami +whois @{{user}} +wodim --devices +wodim -eject dev=/dev/{{optical_drive}} -data {{file.iso}} +wodim dev=/dev/{{optical_drive}} -audio {{track*.cdaudio}} +wordgrinder +wordgrinder {{filename}} +wpa_cli add_network {{number}} +wpa_cli scan +wpa_cli scan_results +write {{jhondoe}} {{pts/5}} +write {{testuser}} {{tty/5}} +write {{username}} {{terminal_id}} +wuzz +x11vnc -display :{{display}}.{{screen}} +x11vnc -forever -viewonly +x11vnc -shared +x_x --delimiter={{';'}} --quotechar={{'|'}} {{file.csv}} +x_x -h {{0}} {{file.xlsx|file.csv}} +x_x {{file.xlsx|file.csv}} +xattr -d {{}} {{file}} +xattr -l {{file}} +xattr -w {{attribute_key}} {{attribute_value}} {{file}} +xcodebuild -showsdks +xcodebuild -target {{target_name}} -configuration {{configuration_name}} clean build SYMROOT={{SYMROOT_path}} +xcodebuild -workspace {{workspace_name.workspace}} -scheme {{scheme_name}} -configuration {{configuration_name}} clean build SYMROOT={{SYMROOT_path}} +xctool -project {{YourProject.xcodeproj}} -scheme {{YourScheme}} build +xctool -workspace {{YourWorkspace.xcworkspace}} -scheme {{YourScheme}} build +xctool -workspace {{YourWorkspace.xcworkspace}} -scheme {{YourScheme}} clean build test +xcv c {{input_file}} +xcv v {{output_file}} +xcv x {{input_file}} +xdotool click {{3}} +xdotool getactivewindow +xdotool search --onlyvisible --name {{firefox}} +xed -c {{filename1}} +xed -l 75 {{filename}} +xed {{file1}} +xeyes +xeyes -display {{remote_host}}:{{0}}.{{0}} +xinput float {{id}} +xinput list +xinput reattach {{id}} {{master_id}} +xman +xman -bothshown +xman -helpfile {{filename}} +xmllint --html --xpath "string(//a[2]/@href)" webpage.xhtml +xmllint --xpath "//{{foo}}" {{source_file.xml}} +xmllint --xpath "string(//{{foo}})" {{source_file.xml}} +xrandr --auto +xrandr --output {{DP1}} --mode {{1920x1080}} --rate {{60}} +xrandr --query +xsel -ob +xsetwacom list +xsetwacom set "{{device name}}" MapToOutput {{screen}} +xsetwacom set "{{device name}}" Mode "{{Relative|Absolute}}" +xsltproc --output {{output.html}} --stringparam {{name}} {{value}} {{stylesheet.xslt}} {{xmlfile.xml}} +xsltproc --output {{output.html}} {{stylesheet.xslt}} {{xmlfile.xml}} +xxd -c {{10}} {{input_file}} +xxd {{input_file}} +xxd {{input_file}} {{output_file}} +xz -d {{file.xz}} +xz -dc {{file.xz}} +xz {{file}} +yaourt -Rs package-name +yaourt -S package-name +yaourt -Syua +yarn +yarn add {{module_name}}@{{version}} +yarn global add {{module_name}} +yes +yes {{message}} +youtube-dl --format {{mp4}} --output {{"%(title) by %(uploader) on %(upload_date) in %(playlist).%(ext)"}} {{url}} +youtube-dl -x --audio-format {{mp3}} {{url}} +youtube-dl {{}} +yum -y install {{package}} +yum install {{package}} +yum update +z -r {{foo}} +z {{foo}} +z {{foo}} {{bar}} +zbarimg {{image_file}} +zcat {{file.txt.gz}} +zdb +zdb -C {{poolname}} +zdb -b {{poolname}} +zenity --forms --add-entry="{{Name}}" --add-password="{{Password}}" --separator="{{;}}" +zenity --info --text="{{Hello!}}" +zenity --question +zfs create {{pool_name/filesystem_name}} +zfs destroy {{pool_name/filesystem_name}} +zfs list +zip -r -{{9}} {{}} {{/path/to/dir}} +zip -r {{}} {{/path/to/dir}} +zip -r {{}} {{path/to/dir}} -x {{path/to/exclude}} +zless {{file.txt.gz}} +zpool import +zpool scrub {{pool_name}} +zpool status +zsh +zsh -c {{command}} +zsh {{file}} +zypper install {{package}} +zypper refresh +zypper remove {{package}} diff --git a/src/strategies/predefined.zsh b/src/strategies/predefined.zsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94506bd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/strategies/predefined.zsh @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +# zsh-augosuggestion: predefined strategy +# 1. search in history, returns result if it exists +# 2. search in predefined files +# +# configuration: +# +# ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PREDEFINE_NAME - auto generated predefine file name +# ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PREDEFINE_PATH - user defined files joined by semicolon +# +# "$HOME/.zsh_autosuggest" will be generated at the first time +# + +_zsh_autosuggest_script_path="${0:A:h}" + +_zsh_autosuggest_predefined_generate() { + local pname="$HOME/.zsh_autosuggest" + pname="${ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PREDEFINE_NAME:-$pname}" + local suggests=() + local pwd=$(pwd) + + # skip when ~/.zsh_autosuggest exists + [ -f "$pname" ] && return + + echo "autosuggestions is generating: $pname" + + # copy builtin predefine database + local txt="${_zsh_autosuggest_script_path}/predefined.txt" + + [ -f "$txt" ] && cat "$txt" > "$pname" || touch "$pname" + + # enumerate commands in $PATH and add them to ~/.zsh_autosuggest + for p ("${(@s/:/)PATH}"); do + cd "$p" + local files=("${(@f)$(ls -la | awk -F ' ' '{print $9}')}") + for fn in ${files}; do + if [ -x "$fn" ] && [[ "${fn:l}" != *.dll ]]; then + if [ -f "$fn" ] && [[ "${fn:l}" != *.nls ]]; then + # trim cygwin .exe/.cmd/.bat postfix + if [[ "$fn" == *.exe ]]; then + fn=${fn/%.exe/} + elif [[ "$fn" == *.cmd ]]; then + fn=${fn/%.cmd/} + elif [[ "$fn" == *.bat ]]; then + fn=${fn/%.bat/} + fi + if [[ ${#fn} -gt 1 ]]; then + suggests+=$fn + fi + fi + fi + done + done + cd "${pwd}" + + print -l $suggests >> "$pname" +} + +# echo "sourced predefined" + +_zsh_autosuggest_strategy_predefined() { + emulate -L zsh + setopt EXTENDED_GLOB + local prefix="${1//(#m)[\\*?[\]<>()|^~#]/\\$MATCH}" + local result="${history[(r)${prefix}*]}" + result="" + + if [[ $result == "" ]]; then + if (( ! ${+_ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PREDEFINE} )); then + typeset -g _ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PREDEFINE=() + local pname="$HOME/.zsh_autosuggest" + pname="${ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PREDEFINE_NAME:-$pname}" + local names="${ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PREDEFINE_PATH};$pname" + local array=() + for i ("${(@s/;/)names}"); do + if [ -n "$i" ] && [ -f "$i" ]; then + local temp=(${(f)"$(<$i)"}) + array+=($temp) + fi + done + _ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PREDEFINE+=($array) + fi + result="${_ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PREDEFINE[(r)${prefix}*]}" + fi + + typeset -g suggestion="$result" +} + + +_zsh_autosuggest_predefined_generate + +# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=0 noet : + + diff --git a/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh b/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh index ccfe07e..764117b 100644 --- a/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh +++ b/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh @@ -564,6 +564,99 @@ _zsh_autosuggest_strategy_match_prev_cmd() { # Give back the matched history entry typeset -g suggestion="$history[$histkey]" } +# zsh-augosuggestion: predefined strategy +# 1. search in history, returns result if it exists +# 2. search in predefined files +# +# configuration: +# +# ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PREDEFINE_NAME - auto generated predefine file name +# ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PREDEFINE_PATH - user defined files joined by semicolon +# +# "$HOME/.zsh_autosuggest" will be generated at the first time +# + +_zsh_autosuggest_script_path="${0:A:h}" + +_zsh_autosuggest_predefined_generate() { + local pname="$HOME/.zsh_autosuggest" + pname="${ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PREDEFINE_NAME:-$pname}" + local suggests=() + local pwd=$(pwd) + + # skip when ~/.zsh_autosuggest exists + [ -f "$pname" ] && return + + echo "autosuggestions is generating: $pname" + + # copy builtin predefine database + local txt="${_zsh_autosuggest_script_path}/predefined.txt" + + [ -f "$txt" ] && cat "$txt" > "$pname" || touch "$pname" + + # enumerate commands in $PATH and add them to ~/.zsh_autosuggest + for p ("${(@s/:/)PATH}"); do + cd "$p" + local files=("${(@f)$(ls -la | awk -F ' ' '{print $9}')}") + for fn in ${files}; do + if [ -x "$fn" ] && [[ "${fn:l}" != *.dll ]]; then + if [ -f "$fn" ] && [[ "${fn:l}" != *.nls ]]; then + # trim cygwin .exe/.cmd/.bat postfix + if [[ "$fn" == *.exe ]]; then + fn=${fn/%.exe/} + elif [[ "$fn" == *.cmd ]]; then + fn=${fn/%.cmd/} + elif [[ "$fn" == *.bat ]]; then + fn=${fn/%.bat/} + fi + if [[ ${#fn} -gt 1 ]]; then + suggests+=$fn + fi + fi + fi + done + done + cd "${pwd}" + + print -l $suggests >> "$pname" +} + +# echo "sourced predefined" + +_zsh_autosuggest_strategy_predefined() { + emulate -L zsh + setopt EXTENDED_GLOB + local prefix="${1//(#m)[\\*?[\]<>()|^~#]/\\$MATCH}" + local result="${history[(r)${prefix}*]}" + result="" + + if [[ $result == "" ]]; then + if (( ! ${+_ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PREDEFINE} )); then + typeset -g _ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PREDEFINE=() + local pname="$HOME/.zsh_autosuggest" + pname="${ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PREDEFINE_NAME:-$pname}" + local names="${ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PREDEFINE_PATH};$pname" + local array=() + for i ("${(@s/;/)names}"); do + if [ -n "$i" ] && [ -f "$i" ]; then + local temp=(${(f)"$(<$i)"}) + array+=($temp) + fi + done + _ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PREDEFINE+=($array) + fi + result="${_ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PREDEFINE[(r)${prefix}*]}" + fi + + typeset -g suggestion="$result" +} + + +_zsh_autosuggest_predefined_generate + +# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=0 noet : + + #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Async #